1999-09-27_Agenda AGENDA COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE SEPTEMBER 27. 1999.4:30 p.m. 1. (a) Letter from Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales re proposed temporary storage area, Refinery upgrade project. (b) Previous report from City Manager re above (tabled September 20, 1999). 2. (a) Previous report from City Manager re Old General Hospital property (referred September 20, 1999). (b) Proposed sale of Old General Hospital property (City Manager). (c) Information update re above (City Manager). 3. Proposed amendment to August 23, 1999 Council resolution re sale of property on Chesley Drive (City Manager - referred September 20, 1999). 4. Re pursuit of sporting events for City (Councillor White). 5. Re hockey program for underprivileged children (Councillor Court). 6. Re various issues for discussion (Mayor McAlary). 7. Re goals and priorities. 8. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re quarterly financial reporting and purchase of vehicles. 9. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re Police vehicle usage. 10. Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission, Inc., re proposed 2000 budget. 11. Re report of Municipalities Act Review Panel (City Manager). 12. Re job evaluation system (City Manager). 13. City Manager's update.