COMMON COUNCIL - as at September 25,1998.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., September 28,1998 - prayer
2. Approval of minutes (September 21, 1998).
3. 7: 15 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Parking Commission of 1997 Annual Report.
4. Mayor's remarks.
5. Re concern with dogs particularly pit bulls (Mayor McAlary).
6. Re strategic planning and budget process (Councillor Chase).
*6A City Market By-Law amendment re Sunday and holiday opening.
7. Re HIP application #73 for development on Seawood Lane.
8. Report re tender for Contract 98-18: Marlborough Avenue - Tippetts Drive water and sewer construction.
9. Re Provincially-Designated Highways - 5-Year Capital Improvement Program (1999-2003).
10. Re assent to subdivision of 450-500 Westmorland Road with respect to proposed extension of Mark Drive as
public street, proposed future street, and any necessary municipal sewer easements and public utility
easements (see also item #11).
*10A Re Red Rose Tea site.
11. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re property at 450-500 Westmorland Road (1 st & 2nd
readings given September 21).
12. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property at 1177 Manawagonish Road (1 st &
2nd readings given September 21).
13. Third reading of proposed Subdivision By-Law amendment re cost sharing (1 st & 2nd readings given September
14. Committee of the Whole report (September 21) - (1) re sale of property at 5 Golden Grove Road.
15. Memorandum from FCM re resolution submission to National Board of Directors Meeting.
16. Letter from AM. (Bert) Chipman re economic recovery of Lorneville landfill area.
17. Letter from Vaughan Evans re proposal for Canadian cultural projects about children and war.
18. Letter from Barbara Munroe requesting answers to her questions re extension of water services - Ragged Point
19. Letter from Multicultural Association of Saint John, Inc., re Millennium observance.
20. Application of John Cudmore Enterprises Inc. for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of 1120 Loch
Lomond Road.
*20A Re waiving of application fee for proposed section 39 amendment to re-zoning, 640 McAllister Drive.
21. Application of Pattison Outdoor Advertising for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of 640
McAllister Drive.
22. Application of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd. on behalf of Digger Holdings Ltd. for re-zoning of 1954
Manawagonish Road.
23(a) Re nominees to Port Authority (Mayor McAlary).
(b) Re appointment to Port Authority (Mayor McAlary).
(c) Letter re above.
(d) Re eligibility requirements for appointment to Port Authority (City Solicitor).
24. Letter from P F Moore Holdings Inc. / Global Design and Construction Ltd. re Option Agreement, Red Rose Tea
25. Re Red Rose Tea site (City Manager).
26. Re acquisition of land (City Manager).
27. Re staffing matter - Engineering (City Manager).
28. City Manager's update.
29. Mayor's update.