COMMON COUNCIL - as at July 24,1998.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., July 27, 1998 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (July 13, 1998).
3. 7: 15 p.m. - Presentation by The Power Commission of The City of Saint John of 1997 Annual
4. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by Kiwanis Club of Saint John of plans for accessible playground at
Rockwood Park.
5. 7:45 p.m. - Presentation by Meet & Greet Committee - Cruise Saint John re programs.
6. 8:00 p.m. - Presentation by South End Little League re funding to erect washroom facility at
Barrack Green baseball field.
6A Re Centracare site (Deputy Mayor Chase).
7. Re process for calling for tenders for capital projects (Councillor White)
8. Re crosswalks and signs in Meadowland Subdivision (Councillor Fitzpatrick).
9. Re degradation of King's Square (Councillor Chase).
10. Mayor's remarks.
11. Re proposed Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 162 and 177-187 Manners Sutton
Road (tabled at public hearing June 15, 1998 - no readings given).
12. Re Management Information System.
13. Report re tender for tires and tubes.
14. Report re tender for petroleum products.
15. Report re tender for Contract 98-4: Phase VII Closure - Spruce Lake landfill.
15A Report re tender for Contract 98-15: Simpson Drive-Walter Street water and sewer construction.
15B Report re tender for Contract 98-14: City Road water and sewer construction.
16. Re lease of Stall #5, City Market.
17. Re purchase of land for street purposes at 2484 Westfield Road.
18. Re easement for municipal services, Tippetts Drive.
19. Re right-of-way over City land to permit access to rear of building at 8-12 Charlotte Street.
20. Re new sewage lift station, Milllidge Avenue.
21. Proposed addition of project to 1998 Capital Construction Program for Transportation to extend
roadway, Dantes Drive.
22. Re appointments to Saint John Salvage Corps & Fire Police.
23. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 258 Tower Street (1st & 2nd
readings given July 13).
24. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 51 Courtenay Avenue (1st &
2nd readings given July 13).
Page Two.
COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at July 24, 1998.
25. Committee of the Whole report (July 13, 1998) - (1) re agreement for communications services
to Grand Bay-Westfield.
26. Planning Advisory Committee re street vesting - 221 Chesley Drive.
27. Planning Advisory Committee re street vesting and municipal services easement - 49 Mill Street.
28. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision - 19 Boars Head Road.
29. Letter from Verna and Donald Mills re dumping at northern end of Island View Drive.
30. Application of Irving Oil Limited - Refinery Division for amendment to Section 39 conditions of
re-zoning of 341 Loch Lomond Road.
31. Request of East Suburban Little League for forgiveness of annual ball field fee.
32. Request of Saint John Canada Day Committee Inc. for appointment of City representative.
33. Application of Lindsay Sabean for re-zoning of 378-380 Westmorland Road
34. Letter from Grandview Avenue Home and School Association in follow-up to Council's July 13
approval of funding for playground.
35. Application of Elmer W. Needle for re-zoning of 560 Hillcrest Road.
36. Request of IAFF Local 771 for appointments to Labour-Management Committee.
37. Letter from The New Brunswick Day Observance Committee re draft program of events.
38. Letter from Organizing Committee for 1998 North American Short Track Championships re
request for assistance in covering cost of ice rental.
38A Letter from Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. re tender for construction of Alloy Drive.
38B Application of Stephen Tobias for Zoning By-Law text amendment and re-zoning of 231
Churchill Boulevard.
39. Re appointments to boards I commissions (Mayor McAlary).
40. Re adult entertainment zone (Deputy Mayor Chase).
41. Re truck traffic on Harding Street (Deputy Mayor Chase).
42. Re closed session format (Councillor Titus).
43. Re option agreement - Red Rose Tea building (City Manager).
44. Re negotiations for court security (City Manager).
45. Re arena and sports field revenues 1998 (City Manager).
46. City Manager's update.
47. Mayor's update.