1997-11-17_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at November 14, 1997. 1.Meeting called to order, 3:00 p.m., November 17, 1997 - prayer. 2.Approval of minutes (Saturday, November 8, Monday, November 10, Wednesday, November 12). 3.Mayor's remarks. 4. 3:00 p.m. - Community Services - 1998 Budget presentation. 4A. 4B. 4C.Re COUNCIL Re skateboard enclosure Duke Street West (Deputy Mayor Chase) . Re efforts to organize workers at Harbour Station (Deputy Mayor Chase) . parking for Council members and visitors to City Hall (Deputy Mayor Chase) CITY MANAGER 5.Re Brian Robert Thorne's application for re-zoning 1770 Sand Cove Road (public hearing September 15 - tabled, no readings given). COMMON CLERK 6.Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone property at 600 Old Black River Road (1st & 2nd readings given November 10). COMMITTEES 7.Committee of the Whole report (November 10) (1) re amending terms of sale of Lot 97-1, Paradise Row, to Blair Construction Ltd. GENERAL 8.Letter from Yolanda Lucas re Loyalist Man symbol. 9.Letter from Saint John Construction Association Inc. re Planning and Building Inspection's budget presentations. 10.Letter from Project H.O.P.E. requesting support. 11.Letter from River Road Concerned Citizens Committee 12.Request of Linda Burnett for crossing guard at Paul 13.Request of Senior Swingers Senior Citizens Club for a senior advisory committee. 14.Request of Canadian Federation of Independent Business to make a presentation at pre- budget sessions. 15.Letter from Andrew P. Aalund in appreciation of 16.Application of Dr. Carl McDermott for amendment of 815 Loch Lomond Road. 17.Letter from Hodges Hamm suggesting areas for revenue generation. 18.Application of Jeffrey Smith for re-zoning of 169-171 St. George Street West. 19. Request of Saint John Board of Trade to make presentation at this meeting re City's financial challenge. re Crane Mountain landfill. Harris Street, Brunswick Drive. consideration of draft proposal for Saint John Police Force. to Section 39 conditions of re-zoning COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 20.Letter from Harbour Station Commission re last meeting. 21.Proposed activities re selection process and establishment of commission (City Manager) . 22Re health and dental plans (City Manager) . 23.City Manager's update. 24.Mayor's update.