1997-09-22_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at September 19, 1997. 1.Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., September 22, 1997 - prayer. 2.Approval of minutes (September 15). 3.Mayor's remarks. *3A. Re Agreement of Settlement with Local 61 re Stanley Arbitration Award. 4.Saint John Police Force Implementation Team update. COUNCIL 5.Re submitted request of N.B. People First for payment of travel expenses (Mayor McAlary) . 6.Re August 18 presentation concerning truck traffic in Montreal Avenue and Bleury Street area (Councillor Arthurs) . CITY MANAGER 7.Report re tender for chiller for Charles Gorman Arena. 8.Report re tender for Contract 97-18: Fairville Boulevard sewer pipe lining. 9.Proposed amendment to agreement with Village of Renforth re water supply. 10.Re proposed re-zoning of 199 Westmorland Road. 11.Report re tender for dual axis joysticks. 12.Report re tender for pre-engineered steel building at Spruce Lake water treatment facility. 13.Proposed Establishment change to increase number of Labourer positions and decrease number of Chauffeur and Welder positions. COMMON CLERK 14.Third reading of proposed amendment to City Market By-Law re Sunday opening (1st & 2nd readings given September 15). 15.Re September 15 Legal Session resolution. COMMITTEES 16.Committee of the Whole report (September 15) - (1) re offer of former Odeon Theatre property. 17.Saint John Parking Commission - proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re loading zones. 18.Saint John Parking Commission - proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re Main Street North. 19.5aint John Parking Commission - proposed amendment to Traffic By-Law to remove loading zone on Main Street West. GENERAL 20.Letter from Elsie E. Wayne, M.P., re status of City's infrastructure project. 21.Response from Minister of Finance to July 21, 1997 Council resolution re application of property tax. 22.Letters from (a) Brian & Sherrill Killam; and (b) Stanley Rhodenizer re proposed canteen facility adjacent to Irving Nature Park. 23.Request of Western Beaches Preservation Society Inc. for enactment of by-law re motorized vehicles trespassing on abandoned rail line. 24.Application of Leighside Holdings Ltd. for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re- zoning of 691 Somerset Street. LEGAL SESSION - 3:00 p.m. 25. (a) & (b) Re proposed agreement of settlement with Local 61 re Stanley Award (City Solicitor - (a) tabled September 15). COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 26.Re updates from Council members on committees/commissions (Mayor McAlary) 27. (a) & (b) Letters from Local 61 re Letter of Agreement on Stanley Award. 28.Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. re property on Old Black River Road. 29.Re injunction application, establishment of Crane Mountain landfill (City Solicitor) . 30.Re former Red Rose Tea building (City Manager) . 31.Re request for cost sharing - site survey (City Manager) . 32.Re performance review and planning (City Manager). 33.City Manager's update. 34.Mayor's update.