- as at June 20, 1997.
1.Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., June 23, 1997 - prayer.
2.Approval of minutes (June 9 and June 12).
3. 7:00 p.m. -(a) Proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions imposed on September 8, 1992
re-zoning of property located at 9 Simpson Drive, by removing the
condition limiting the use of the property which currently restricts
the use of the property to a construction materials and equipment
storage yard, together with accessory office and indoor storage uses,
as requested by Daryl McLennan.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
(c) Letter in opposition to proposed amendment.
(d) Letter from solicitor for applicant requesting to withdraw application.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone all (or that portion not
already zoned "B-2" General Business classification) of a parcel of
land located adjacent to 570 Rothesay Avenue at the intersection of
Rothesay Avenue and McAllister Drive, from "P" Park to "B-2" General
Business classification, to place the site in the same zoning
category as the adjacent service station located at 570 Rothesay
Avenue and permit the continuing use of the site for parking
accessory to the service station, as requested by Imperial Oil (G.
Carl Brown).
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
5.7:00 p.m. -(a) Proposed Zoning By-Law (i) text amendment to add "special zones" to the list
of zones in Section 30(1) and to add Section 740 immediately
following Section 730, and (ii) to re-zone the property located at
1673 Loch Lomond Road, from "B-1" Local Business to "sz #1" Special
Zone #1, to permit the use of the property for an office and parking
area for a taxi business, in addition to a grocery store and take-out
restaurant, as requested by 058422 N.B. Inc.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
(c) Petition and letter in opposition to re-zoning.
(d) Letter from applicant requesting to withdraw application.
6. 7:00 p.m. -Proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment re portion of Munroe's Alley.
7. 7:30 p.m. -Presentation by Loyalist Days Inc. re 1997 celebration
8. 8:00 p.m. -(a)Elva McLeod; and to the heirs of the late Donald Fitzgerald; and to Bobby
Fitzgerald and any other heirs of the late Francis Fitzgerald; and to
the heirs of the late George Fitzgerald, being Dorothea and Malcolm
and Lorna; and to the heirs of the late Eugene Fitzgerald, being
Gertrude, June, Eugene, McLaren, Heather, Faith, Gordon, Victor,
Terrence, and Clark; and to any other persons it may concern, to
appear to show cause, if any, why Common Council should not find the
Fitzgerald building located at 63 Coster Street to be in a dangerous
and unsightly condition and also require Elva McLeod and the heirs of
the late Francis and Donald and George and Eugene Fitzgerald to
remedy the condition, within such time as Common Council may set, by
either demolishing the Fitzgerald building and removing the debris or
by carrying out the work set on in the submitted report.
(b) Report from City Manager re above.
Page Two.
- as at June 20, 1997.
9. 8:15 p.m. -Presentation by Ernst & Young re Business Process Improvements.
10. 9:00 p.m. -Presentation by Meadowlands Recreation Association re playground for area.
11Mayor's remarks.
*llA. Letter from Csts. G. Hayward and J. Oliver re World Police/Fire Games.
12.Saint John Police Force Implementation Team update.
13.Re make-up and establishment of board of police commissioners (Deputy Mayor Chase) .
14.Re Long Wharf redevelopment (Councillor Arthurs).
15.Re Commissioner of Finance - motion of commendation (Councillor Arthurs) .
16.Re 1997 bond issue.
17.Report re tender for Contract 97-5: Saint John George Street, Stanley Street water and
sewer construction.
18.Council resolutions and appointments re by-law enforcement.
19.Proposed Establishment change, positions of Heavy Equipment Operator and Labourer.
20.Re Romero House Soup Kitchen's appeal to City for financial aid.
21.Re proposed acquisition of rights-of-way held by owner of 66-68 Bentley Street.
22.Re activities at 14 Walsh's Road and 579 Rothesay Avenue.
23.Request for easement for encroachment, 150 Virginia Street.
24.Re acquisition of municipal easement, Princess Court (tabled June 9).
25.Re assent to subdivision plan for municipal services easement, 529 Rothesay Avenue.
26.Re assent to subdivision plan for public utility easement, 28 McIlveen Drive.
27.Re proposed amendment to Garbage By-Law (see also item #32).
27A.Re solid waste transfer agreement.
*27B. Re agreement for loading and hauling solid waste from Five Fathom Hole.
28.Letter of resignation from Daryl Wilson from position of Commissioner of Finance.
29.Proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re residential parking permits, Prince William Street
(1st & 2nd readings given June 9).
30.Proposed Parking Meter By-Law amendment re residential parking permits, Prince William
Street (1st & 2nd readings given June 9).
31.Proposed Parking Meter By-Law amendment re parking on Sydney Street (1st & 2nd readings
given June 9).
32.Proposed Garbage By-Law amendment re tires and transporting to Westmorland-Albert (1st &
2nd readings given June 12).
33.Re application of Tony Rickett for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 60 Ross
Street (public presentation May 12)
34.Committee of the Whole report
35.Committee of the Whole report
(June 2)
(June 12)
(1) appointments to Rockwood Park Advisory Board.
(1) re offers to purchase City land.
36.Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re proposed amendments to Pension
37.Saint John Parking Commission re proposed Traffic By-Law amendment for loading zones.
Page Three.
- as at June 20, 1997.
38.Letter from John C. Mason in opposition to establishment of bulk terminal on Long Wharf.
39.Application of Sisters of Charity of The Immaculate Conception for re-zoning of property
on Rockland Road and Park Street.
40.Letter from K.W. Johns re rationale for sidewalk installation and re inadequate water
pressure on Buena Vista Street.
41.Letter from The Saint John Jeux Canada Games Foundation, Inc. re 1996 Financial Statements
and appointment to Board of Governors.
42.Letter from University of New Brunswick re recipient of City of Saint John Award.
43.Letter from Gloria Gates re clean-up of old buildings in City.
44.Letter from Steve Anderson re Saint John's current waste management plight.
45.Application of Hansen Signs for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of 400
Main Street.
46.Application of John Maurer for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of 15
Fulton Lane (formerly 936 Rothesay Road) .
47.Letter from Richard & Co. Architecture Inc. further to June 9 public hearing re
application of Diocese of Saint John for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-
zoning of 133 Ragged Point Road.
*47A. Legal Session resolution re confirmation to New Brunswick Fish & Game Protective
Association (Saint John) Inc. to vacate premises in Lily Lake Pavilion.
- 4:00 p.m.
48. 4:00 p.m. -Task Force Report on Port Police.
49.Re The Market Square Corporation, Interpretation Centre and Port development (Councillor
Ball) .
50.Re Multicultural Association of Saint John Inc. 's letter referred from May 20 Council
meeting (tabled May 26) .
51.Request of Mispec Park Recreation Committee to appear re redevelopment proposal.
52.Letter from Ports Canada Police re addendum to Task Force and Policing.
53.Re civilianization of Detention (Chief of Police) .
54.Re 49 Mill Street (City Manager).
55.Re development proposal for land in Kennebecasis Bay area (City Manager) .
56.Re Provincial/Municipal relationships (City Manager) .
57.Re loading and hauling of solid waste from Five Fathom Hole (City Manager)
58.City Manager's update.
59.Mayor's update.
60.Re decision in matter of City of Saint John and Saint John Horticultural Association v.
New Brunswick Fish & Game Protective Association (Saint John Branch) Inc. (City
Solicitor) .
61.Re appeal of decision in above regard (City Solicitor) .