- as at May 23, 1997.
1.Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., May 26, 1997 - prayer.
2.Approval of minutes (May 20).
3. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed amendment to Saint John East Development Scheme, Phase 1,
Stage 1, with respect to the properties located at 31-55 and 267-
273 Boyaner Crescent, to permit the development of 8 semi-detached
dwelling units at 35-55 Boyaner Crescent (Lots 22-29) and 3
townhouse units at 267-273 Boyaner Crescent (Lots 60-62) on lots
that were previously approved for the construction of single-
family zero-lot-line housing, as requested by Kierstead Quigley
and Roberts Ltd., on behalf of Bonney Construction Ltd.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
4.7:00 p.m. -(a) Proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions attached to the March 6, 1995
re-zoning of 567 Millidge Avenue, in order to consider a revised
proposal to permit the establishment of a day-care centre for
approximately 55 children at the property formerly known as the
Jack and Jill Wee College, as requested by Jennifer Weddell and
Tina Keirstead.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
(c) Petition in opposition to proposed amendment.
5.7:00 p.m. -(a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone approximately 4560 square
metres (49,085 square feet) of land situated at 1155 Sand Cove
Road, from "RF" Rural to "R-1A" One-Family Residential
classification, to create three serviced residential lots for
construction of one-family dwellings, as requested by Raymond and
Irene Guerette.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
6. 7:00 p.m. -Proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment re untravelled portions of
Highways #820 and #111.
7. 7:45 p.m. -Presentation by Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission of 1996 Annual
8.Mayor's remarks.
*8A. Copy of letter from Minister of Municipalities, Culture and Housing re Environmental
Trust Fund application re lead pipe services.
9.Saint John Police Force Implementation Team update.
10.Re per diem rate for attendance at FCM meeting (Mayor McAlary) .
11.Re May 5 presentation to Council on Millidgeville North School (Councillor Arthurs) .
12.Proposed amendment to City Market By-Law re hours of operation July 1 and August 14.
13.Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment for utility and service zone.
14.Re certificate program in community-based development.
15.Report re tender for commercial boat.
16.Report re tender for leak detector.
17.Report re tender for sand, gravel and aggregates.
18.Report re tender for traffic controllers.
19.Re 1997 Establishment of permanent positions.
20.May 20, 1997 Legal Session resolution re Bawn action.
Page Two.
- as at May 23, 1997.
21. Committee of the Whole report (May 20) - (1) re request of The Saint John Theatre Co.
for financial assistance.
22.Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning of 361-363 Lancaster Street (public
hearing May 12, tabled with no readings given - see also item 28) .
23.Planning Advisory Committee re municipal services and public utility easements 601
Lorneville Road.
24.Parking Commission re appointment of By-Law Enforcement Officer.
25.Saint John Industrial Parks Ltd. re regarding of Lots 96-4 & 96-5, McAllister
Industrial Park.
26.Letter from Glenn Carpenter re quality assurance.
27. Letters from (a) Seniors' Resource Centre; (b) Joan LeGassie; (c) Linda Nickerson re
Bicycle By-Law.
28.Request of D.R. English to speak, if required, re re-zoning of property at 361-363
Lancaster Street.
29.Letter from John D. Stears re preservation of Musquash watershed.
- 4:00 p.m.
30. 4:00 p.m. -Discussion with Keith Taylor.
31.Re letter from Multicultural Association of Saint John, Inc. referred from May 20
Council meeting.
32.Letter from William Mont re offer to sell to City land in Reversing Falls area.
33.Information further to May 20 presentation by The Saint John Theatre Co.
34. Re Taxi By-Law appeal proceedings (City Solicitor).
35.Re Crane Mountain landfill site, leachate treatment (City Manager) .
36.Re personnel matter (City Manager) .
37.City Manager's update.
38.Mayor's update.
39.Re City of Saint John and Saint John Horticultural Association v. New Brunswick Fish &
Game Protective Association (Saint John Branch) Inc. - Lily Lake Pavilion (City
Solicitor) .