- as at February 21, 1997.
1.Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., February 24, 1997 - prayer.
2.Approval of minutes (February 17).
3.Mayor's remarks.
4.Saint John Police Force Implementation Team - update.
*5.Re portion of Motor Vehicle Act addressing on-street parking (Councillor
Waldschutz) . (WITHDRAWN)
6.Report re tender for personal computers.
7.Report re tender for municipal castings.
8.Proposed extension of agreement and call for proposals for operation of Rockwood Park
Horse Barns and Children's Farm.
9.Response to Saint John Amateur Speed Skating Club's letter re rental and use of ice.
10.Proposed Establishment change to delete assistant timekeeper position and create
tradesman's helper position.
11.Re municipal restructuring in the region.
12.Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 631 Harding Street West
(1st & 2nd readings given February 17).
13.Third reading of proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment re portions of Chesley
Street/Old Strait Shore Road (1st & 2nd readings given February 17).
14.Request of Gizelle Bernier for plowing and sanding of Savoy Lane.
15.Request of The Rothesay-Kings Rotary Girls Choir for assistance to participate in
Festival 500.
16.Letter from Fundy Engineering & Consulting Ltd. re design procurement for Crane
Mountain Interchange.
17.Letter from Anne Nickerson re feeding of pigeons.
18.Request of N.B. Jeux Canada Games Rugby '97 for financial assistance re Under-19 team
19.Letter from PRUDE Inc. re "Negro Town Point" (Fort Dufferin) site.
20.Letter from Beverly and Harold Grew re change in non-conforming use, 38 Douglas Avenue.
21.Request of Jill Ryan for financial support re participation in "Dance Olympus".
22.Application of Tilley's Square Pizzeria & Lounge Inc. for re-zoning of 200-202 King
Street West.
23.Letter from Frank Rodgers re Police services.
24.Request of Women In The Nineties Conference Planning Committee for assistance re 2nd
annual conference.
25.Letter from The New Brunswick Veterinary Medical Association re kennel license fees
under Animal Control By-Law.
26.6:30 p.m. -Presentation by Civic Employees Local Union No. 18 C.U.P.E. re mutual joint
cooperative projects.
27.7:00 p.m. -Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61,
C.U.P.E., of grievances (a) 96-13 on behalf of S.M. Smith re Christmas
holiday 1994; and (b) on behalf of L. Duffy re sickness while on
vacation (tabled February 17).
28.Re proposed subdivision, Manawagonish Road (City Solicitor).
29.City Manager's update.
30. Mayor's update.