- as at January 17, 1997.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., January 20, 1997 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (January 13).
3. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land at
159 King Street East, from "RM-IF" Multiple Residential Infill to "IL-I"
Neighbourhood Institutional classification, to permit the operation of a ten-bed
group care facility (special care home) within the existing building, as requested
by Brenda Carr.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed amendment to the proposal adopted by Council on May 8,
1972 pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act in conjunction with the
"ID" Integrated Development zoning of Prince Edward Square, 20 Prince Edward Street,
to permit two new signs on the exterior facade of the shopping centre to advertise H
& R Block Canada Inc. 's new "Cashback" location in the building, as requested by H &
R Block Canada Inc.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
Mayor's remarks.
Re parking on Sewell Street (Mayor McAlary) .
Committee of the Whole report (January 18) (1) re citizens on Police Force
Implementation Team.
6. Report re tender for contract 96-26, Marsh Creek wastewater treatment plant,
replacement of mechanical components.
7. Re proposed closure of portion of Highway 820 (Ben Lomond Corner).
8. Re proposed resolution on user charges for municipal services for submission to
Cities of New Brunswick Association.
9. Re letter from Saint John Construction Association on Rockwood Park Golf Course
parking lot improvements.
10. Committee of the Whole report (January 13) (1) re staffing issues, Community
Services - Venue Saint John.
11. Planning Advisory Committee re 1997 Executive.
12. Letter from Mona Hayward re Councillor Vincent's commitment.
13. Letter of appreciation from Saint John and Western District Crime Stoppers.
14. Letter from W. R. Beatteay re Martello Tower.
15. Re police complaint (Deputy Mayor Chase) .
16. Re Police charge (Deputy Mayor Chase) .
17. Re effect of water run-off Somerset Street business (Deputy Mayor Chase).
18. Letter from Karol Siroky re mobility rights.
19. Re 1997 budgets (City Manager) .
20. Re proposed Capital Projects - 1997, 1998, 1999 (City Manager).
21. Re discussions with Department of the Environment (City Manager)
22. Re reclassification of positions (Chief of Police).
23. Police Chief's update.
24. City Manager's update.
25. Mayor's update.