1996-04-01_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 29, 1996. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., April 1, 1996 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (March 25). 3. Mayor's remarks. COUNCIL 4. Re letter to Mayor from TIRU on proposal for the Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission. CITY MANAGER 5. Report re tender for motorized equipment. 5A. Report re tender for printing. 6. Re proposed Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 251 Sydney Street. 7. Proposed agreement for fire escape at 76 Prince William Street. 8. Re Tourist Information Centre - Market Square. 9. Proposed Section 39 conditions to re-zoning of 172-174 Wentworth Street (see also item #13) . COMMON CLERK 10. Re application of Richard & Co. Architecture Inc. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 430 Prince Street (public presentation February 26) . 11. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 20 O'Brien Street, as requested by David B. Huestis (1st & 2nd readings given March 25) . (b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone above property (1st & 2nd readings given March 25) . 12. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 742 Bay Street, as requested by Dallas & Pamela Urquhart (1st & 2nd readings given March 25) . 13. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 172-174 Wentworth Street, as requested by Sandra Lendorf (1st & 2nd readings given March 25) . 14. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment re 3701 Westfield Road, as requested by Sobeys Leased Properties Limited (1st & 2nd readings given March 25) . 15. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 40 Pokiok Road (1st & 2nd readings given March 25) . 16. Third reading of By-Law to Repeal Indiantown Harbour By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given March 25) . COMMITTEES 17. Committee of the Whole report (March 25) - (1-3) re appointments to committees, boards. 18. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re taxi appeals. 19. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re RCMP Gazette article. 20. (a) Finance Committee re 1995 Financial Statements. (b) 1995 Financial Statements - General Fund. (c) 1995 Financial Statements - Water and Sewerage Utility. (d) 1995 Financial Statements - Sinking, Reserve and Trust Funds. GENERAL 21. Letter from Helena Harvey re Council membership on Uptown Saint John Inc. Board. 22. Request of Keith J. Rowe for heritage designation for 66 Bryden Street. 23. Request of One Voice For All for contribution re conference. 24. Letter from Total Golf Management Inc. re contract with City for Rockwood Park Golf Course and Aquatic Driving Range. 25. Letter from Handworks Gallery re types of businesses and activities on Prince William Street and request for policy direction for Trinity Royal. LEGAL SESSION - 2:30 p.m. 26. 2:30 p.m. - Consultants report re Harbour Station.