1996-02-26_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 23, 1996. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., February 26, 1996. 2. Approval of minutes (February 19). PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land located at 381 Churchland Road, from "RF" Rural to "RFM" Rural Mobile Home classification, to permit the existing mobile home to remain on the property, as requested by Janet Brockway. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. (c) Letters in opposition to proposed amendment. PUBLIC PRESENTATION 4. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A, a property located at 430 Prince Street, from Major Institutional and Low Density Residential to District Centre Commercial classification, to permit re-zoning of the property to a "B-2" General Business zone and subsequent conversion of the former Red Cross Lodge building on the property to a combination of apartments and inn accommodations, together with dining and reception facilities for residents and guests, as requested by Richard & Co. Architecture Inc. DELEGATION 5. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by Lorneville Community & Recreation Association of concerns re Paddy's Hill and Project H.O.P.E. 6. 8:00 p.m. - Presentation by Loyalist Days Inc. re Heritage Celebration '96 and Financial Statements. 7. Mayor's remarks. CITY MANAGER 8. Report re tender for asphaltic concrete mixes. 10. Report re tender for traffic paint. 11. Re agreement for provision for Mastercard payment services. 12. Proposed amendment to Parking Meter By-Law re parking meter rates. 13. Proposed lease of land at 125 Station Street to Canadian Hockey Association. 14. Proposed amendment to August 14, 1995 Council resolution re Walter Street closure and subsequent sale to Robert and Isabel Jeffrey. 15. Proposed amendment to October 10, 1995 Council resolution re sale of 51-53 St. James Street. COMMITTEES 16. Committee of the Whole report (February 19) (1) proposed HR Policy 121 Workers' Compensation Program Option - Firefighters, and re Rules and Regulations of Fire Department - tabled January 8, 1996. 17. Council Agenda Review Committee report (tabled January 29). 18. Environment Committee re nominations for Environment Award(s) 19. Planning Advisory Committee re boundary adjustment line at 7 Angus Street. 20. Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission (Enterprise Saint John) re terms of members. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at February 23, 1996. GENERAL 21. Letter from Minister of Economic Development and Tourism re conference delegate taxation. 22. Correspondence from FCM re International Day for Elimination of Racial Discrimination, March 21. 23. Letter from James Wilcox re Christmas tree mulching operation. 24. Letter from ADI Group Inc. re Fundy Region landfill. 25. Request of Royal Canadian Legion Lancaster Branch No. 69 for assistance in hosting 70th Convention of N.B. Command. 26. Letter from Saint John Retired Members Association re proposed Pension Act amendments. 27. Letter from Michael and Susan Wallace re architectural heritage. 28. Letter from William H. Watts re Police Commission. 29. Letter from Brookville Torryburn Association re delivery of water to Renforth. 30. Application of Dante Foriere for re-zoning of 31 Golden Grove Road. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:00 p.m. 31. 4:00 p.m. - Saint John Parking Commission - 1996 Operating Budget. 32. 4:30 p.m. - Teed Saunders Doyle & Co. re Billy's Seafood Company Ltd. 33. Request of Horst Sauerteig to make presentation re Planning Advisory Committee Rules of Procedure. 34. Re year-round tourist information centre (City Manager). 35. City Manager's update. 36. Mayor's update.