1996-02-19_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 16, 1996. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., February 19, 1996. 2. Approval of minutes (February 12). 3. Mayor's remarks. - Presentation by Preservation Review Board of heritage awards. *4. Letter to Mayor from Premier McKenna re location of New Brunswick Investment Management Corporation. CITY MANAGER 6. Report re tender for ice plant equipment. 7. Re appointment of officers to Saint John Salvage Corps and Fire Police. 8. Re proposed re-zoning of 40 Pokiok Road. 9. Proposed amendment to Dog By-Law to include stoop and scoop regulations. 10. Re painting of pedestrian crosswalks. 11. Proposed Letter of Agreement with Local 486 (Inside Workers) re hours of work. 12. Re request for easement for municipal services, Dutch Garden Lane/Ashton Place. 13. Re City-owned properties. 14. Proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment re "AE" Adult Entertainment zone (see also item #17) . COMMON CLERK 15. Re application of David B. Huestis for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 20 O'Brien Street (public presentation January 15) . 16. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 70-80 Bridge Street, as requested by Service Associates Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings February 12) . (b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone above property (1st & 2nd readings February 12) . 17. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment re "AE" Adult Entertainment zone (1st & 2nd readings February 12) . 18. COMMITTEES Committee of the Whole report (February 12) Residence. (1) re old General Hospital Nurses GENERAL 19. Letter from Saint John District Labour Council re City Market. 20. Letter from Mayor of the City of Brampton, Ontario, re Korea Veterans Wall of Remembrance. 21. Request of Canadian Red Cross for naming of street in its honour and donation. 22. Request of Blake Armstrong for street closure to provide entertainment during June, July and August. 23. Application of Sobey Leased Properties Limited for Zoning By-Law text amendment re 3701 Westfield Road. 24. Request of Haldor (1972) Ltd. / M D I Waste Management Inc. to address Council to review Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission's decision. 25. Petition from tenants of City Market and request to make presentation. 26. Request of NB Provincial Curling Fire Fighters Team for financial assistance. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 27. Request of Dominion Park Preservation Association to meet re proposed Labour Temple. 28. Request of Teed Saunders Doyle & Co. to address Council on behalf of Billy's Seafood Company Ltd. 29. Letter from Dynamic Construction Corporation Ltd. re Glen Falls property. 30. Re Workers' Compensation Program option - Firefighters (City Manager). 31. City Manager's update. 32. Mayor's update. LEGAL SESSION 33. Re proposed review of Police Department (City Solicitor)