1996-02-12_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 9, 1996. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., February 12, 1996. 2. Approval of minutes (February 5). PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A, a parcel of land located at 70-80 Bridge Street, from Medium Density Residential to Light Industrial classification, to permit development of a warehouse building, as requested by Service Associates Ltd. (b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same parcel of land from "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential to "1-1" Light Industrial classification. (c) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments. 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment to establish an "AE" Adult Entertainment zone to regulate the location of adult entertainment uses within the City by establishing a specific zone category for such uses, with no specific properties proposed to be re-zoned to this new zone at this time. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. (c) Letter in opposition to proposed amendment. (d) Letters re proposed amendment. 5. 9:00 p.m. - Presentation by Fundy Region Development Commission Inc. of 1994-1995 Annual Report. 6. Mayor's remarks. COUNCIL 7. Re letter response from Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission to January 29, 1996 Council resolution requesting teach-in (Mayor McAlary) . 8. Re alternatives and input for assessment of Loyalist Festival (Councillor Ball). CITY MANAGER 9. Re revised Animal Rescue League contract. COMMITTEES 10. Committee of the Whole report (February 5) (1 - 4) appointments to boards and commissions; (5) re encroachment of 382 Eldersley Avenue; (6) re Upper Floor Grant Program. 11. Harbour Station Commission re approval of 1996 Capital Budget. 12. Planning Advisory Committee re vesting into Station Street public right-of-way and municipal services easement, 132-136 Station Street. GENERAL 13. Letter from Elsie E. Wayne, M.P. Saint John, re GST reform. 14. Letter from Julia McCluskey re type of entertainment at 74 Prince William Street. 15. Request of Wheelabrator Clean Water Systems Canada Inc. to address Council re Wheelabrator/IPS Project Team's involvement with Fundy Region Solid Waste Commission and sanitary landfill/waste diversion project. 16. Letters from George Robertson re (a) work program for unemployed people; (b) use of yellow rather than white paint for crosswalks, lane arrows, etc. 17. Application of Sandra Lendorf for re-zoning of 172 Wentworth Street. 18. Request of Christine Morgan for donation re participation in Forum For Young Canadians. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at February 9, 1996. 19. 20. 21. LEGAL SESSION Re Police Department (Mayor McAlary) . Letter from Deputy Chief of Police. Re old General Hospital Nurses Residence (City Solicitor) - 4:00 p.m. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 22. 5:00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., of grievances (a) 95-33 on behalf of David Arsenault re overtime call- out; and (b) 95-35, 95-36, 95-37 and 95-39 on behalf of B. Connell / D.Arsenault / G. Oram / D. Parks re payment for court time; and (c) re grievance 95-30 re training for 9 mm handguns (tabled January 29) . 23. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re Chief's return to work. 24. Letter from Michelle Hooten re operation in City Market. 25. Re old General Hospital Nurses Residence property (City Manager) . 26. City Manager's update. 27. Mayor's update.