1995-10-23_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at October 20, 1995. 1. 2. 3. *3A. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., October 23 - prayer. Approval of minutes (October 16). Mayor's remarks. Re Quebec Referendum (Mayor McAlary) CITY MANAGER 4. Re security for rehabilitation of excavation of 2530 Red Head Road. 5. Re security for rehabilitation of excavation of 154 Willett Avenue. 6. Re issuance of warrant for membership in Saint John Salvage Corps and Fire Police. 7. Re proposed amendment to the Animal Control By-Law to include cats. 8. Report re tender for fire tanker. CITY SOLICITOR 9. Re lease of land at Dominion Park to Hatheway Board of Trustees for labour temple. COMMON CLERK 10. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 451 Olive Street, as requested by Carleton-Kirk Complex Inc. (1st & 2nd readings October 16). COMMITTEES 11. The Power Commission of the City of Saint John - 1994 Annual Report. GENERAL 12. Letter from B.G. Fournier re construction in area of NB Tel office complex. 13. Application of Irving Oil Limited for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re- zoning of 4207 Loch Lomond Road. 14. Application of Wayne Erb Builders for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re- zoning of 20 Prince Edward Street. 15. Letter from William Jones in support of YMCA's position on Aquatic Centre expansion. 16. Letter from Eileen Hannah re status of Greenwood Lane. 17. Letters from Saint John & District Labour Council re (a) renaming of McGuire Road; (b) health care system. 18. Letter from New Brunswick Chapter of United Nations Association in Canada re street names. 19. Letter from Daphne Wetmore re route for Western Beaches trunk sewer line. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 20. Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission - report re corporate contracts. 21. Request of PRUDE Inc. for financial assistance re rent in City Market. 22. Request of Cherry Brook Zoo Inc. to meet re 1996 budget proposal. 23. Letter from Local 61 requesting the tabling of grievances (a) 95-04 re transfer of detectives; (b) 95-11 re four vacant sergeant positions; (c) 95-13 re transfer of Detective Desmond; (d) 95-18 re denial of time off; and (e) 95-16 re canine position. 24. City Manager's update. 25. Mayor's update.