- as at April 13, 1995.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 D..., Tuesdav, April 18 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (April 10).
4:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A,
a parcel of land fronting on Highway 7 (Crane Mountain) at the
intersection of Highway 177, from Rural to Heavy Industrial
classification, to permit (1) development and use of the parcel of
land for a sanitary landfill facility, as well as possible
recycling and composting facilities for the Fundy Region; (2)
remove the reference to municipal ownership of a sanitary landfill
in the "1-2" Heavy Industrial zone; and (3) delete the requirement
that a sanitary landfill in the "1-2" Heavy Industrial zone be
enclosed with a painted, solid fence, and replace it with a
requirement for natural buffering and/or constructed earth berms,
as requested by Fundy SWAT.
(b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same parcel of
land from "RF" Rural and "P" Park to "1-2" Heavy Industrial
(c) Proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment re Section 630.
(d) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
(e) Letters in opposition to proposed amendments.
(f) Letter re solid waste alternative plan.
(g) Letter requesting to address Council on Fundy SWAT's previous
request to delay public hearing.
(h) Letter re Planning Advisory Committee's decision to refuse Crane
Mountain re-zoning.
4. Mayor's remarks.
*4A. Re expansion of Belledune Port (Councillor A. Vincent).
5. Re proposed pits and quarries zoning classification.
6. Report re tender for groundwater testing.
7. Report re tender for supply of trees.
8. Re security for rehabilitation of gravel pit 55 Willett Avenue.
9. Re security for rehabilitation of gravel pit 491 Bayside Drive.
10. Re Cedar Point Estates Limited, sewage pumping station.
11. Response re petition to March 20 Council meeting from Charles street residents.
12. Re April 10 Council resolution for The Market Square Corporation to be invited to
appear in open session of Council.
13. Re application of Patrick Hickey of Hickey Property Management for Municipal Plan
amendment and re-zoning 120-124 Adelaide Street (public presentation March 13).
14. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 244 and 250 Duke Street
West, as requested by Lester Trophies Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings April 10).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone above property (1st
& 2nd readings April 10).
15. Re reference to comment at March 13 Council meeting (Common Clerk).
16. Re acquisition of properties for Western Beaches trunk sewer project (City Manager).
17. Re request to purchase 70 Bridge Street (City Manager).
18. Mayor's update.
19. City Manager's update.