COHMON COUNCIL - as at October 21, 1994.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 n.m., October 24 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (October 17).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Report re tender for replacement wheel caps.
5. Re October 3 request of Wellness Festival 1994 for grant.
6. Report on proposal call for engineering consulting services re Crown Street embankment.
7. Re lease of properties / easements, Saint John Port Corporation.
8. Re status of 1994 grants under Historic Building Preservation Program.
9. Environment Committee re lead services renewal.
10. Correspondence from CANTEC re proposed General Hospital site.
11. Letter from River Road Action Team re Crane Mountain site as regional landfill.
12. Application of Karen Hosford for re-zoning of property on Old Black River Road.
13. Request of K. Hosford to temporarily place mobile home on property on Old Black River
14. 6:30 D.m. - Presentation by Rolf Spangenberg re Market Slip Volleyball.
15. 6:45 p.m. - Re collective bargaining.
16. Letter to Mayor from Stewart McKelvey Stirling Scales re application pursuant to Pipe
Line Act.
17. Re Marco Polo Project (Councillor M. Vincent).
18. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners:- (a) response to September 6 Council queries;
(b) 1993 Annual Report; (c) Strategic Plan; (d) Evaluation Progress Report, North End
Neighbourhood Policing Pilot Project.
19. Copy of letter from Chief of Police to Local 61, C.U.P.E.
20. Re Fallsview Avenue property (City Solicitor).
21. Re Zenon proposal (City Manager).
22. Mayor's update.
23. City Manager's updates (a) and (b).