COHMON COUNCIL - as at June 24, 1994.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 o.m., June 27 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (June 13).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Transit Commission.
5. 8:00 p.m. - Presentation by Animal Rescue League re change in service.
6. Request of Thistle-St. Andrews Curling Club for ad placement in Souvenir Program
(Mayor Higgins).
6A. Re proposal for police headquarters (Councillor A. Vincent)
*6B. Re training for hazardous materials team (City Manager).
*6C. Article from Winnipeg Free Press re Saint John.
7. Report re tender for contract 94-7, asphaltic concrete street resurfacing 1994.
8. Report re tender for overhead doors, Rothesay Avenue Complex, Stu Hurley Arena.
9. Report re tender for paid-up life insurance.
10. Report re tender for stumpage sale.
11. (a) Report re tender for trucks, Works & Parks Departments.
(b) Request of Brunswick Chrysler Plymouth Ltd. to withdraw tender.
12. Re Acting City Manager.
13. Re issuance of warrants, Saint John Salvage Corps and Fire Police.
14. Re parking for disabled in area of Imperial Theatre.
15. Re request for wheelchair ramp at 32-36 Charles Street.
16. Re Irving Paper Ltd./EIA determination/process water treatment facility.
17. Re proposed expansion of Lancaster Mall.
18. Re Section 39 amendment application, 189 Waterloo Street (Old General Hospital) (see
also item 38).
19. Re letter from Carla Kelly regarding playground and properties at rear of Wright
20. Re letter from Doreen Clark regarding subdivision and building permit approval
21. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan By-Law re 661 Dever Road, as requested
by Dr. Sean A. Keyes (1st & 2nd readings June 13).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone above property (1st
& 2nd readings June 13).
22. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 2377 Loch Lomond Road,
as requested by Thomas E. Secord (1st & 2nd readings June 13).
23. Committee of the Whole report (June 13) - (1) reappointments to The Saint John Jeux
Canada Games Foundation Inc.; (2) re Building Inspector and Deputy Building
Inspector positions, and proposed Building By-Law amendment; (3) re sale of 177-179
Canterbury Street; (4) re sale of 4 York Street; (5) Nominating Committee
recommendations; (6) re 1996 Acadian Games.
24. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision 460 Grandview Avenue.
25. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision 2377 Loch Lomond Road.
26. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision 145 Norris Road.
27. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re John E. Garnett retirement.
28. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re Francis H. Price retirement.
29. Request of Central Printing for City to place welcome letter in Tourist and Guest
Coupon booklet.
30. Form letters requesting by-law to control adult video stores; letter from The Boys &
Girls Club of Saint John Inc. re effect of store location in area.
31. Letter from Richard Frawley re upper management spending limits.
Page Two.
COHMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at June 24, 1994
32. Letter from Municipal Golf 2000 Committee re concern about privatization of Golf
33. Letter from Arthur V. Edgett re property adjoining 102 Queen Street.
34. Letter from Cynthia J. Ough re selection of life guards.
35. Letter from The North End Improvement Corp. Inc. re reputation of North End.
36. Letter from Jean Muir re Old General Hospital building.
37. Letter from Michael Moore re garbage in downtown core of City.
38. Application of Maxim Management Services Inc. for amendment to Section 39 conditions
of re-zoning of 189 Vaterloo Street.
39. Letter from Lancaster Kiwanis Club re Marco Polo Project.
40. Letter from Dorothea Backa re manhole and sidewalk on Vestmorland Road.
41. 4:00 p.m. - Saint John Parking Commission re Parking Meter By-Law.
42. 4:15 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John School of Nursing re nursing program.
43. 5:30 p.m. - Teach-in re water agreements.
44. Re arbitration award, C.U.P.E. Local 61, entitlement to shift differential (City
Solicitor) .
45. Re acting assignments and salary adjustments (City Solicitor).
46. Re organizational structure (City Solicitor).
47. Re Council appointees/structure (City Manager).
48. Re 1995 reduction in funding to municipalities (City Manager).
49. Re acquisition of easement, "Mary's Place" (City Manager).
50. Re Federal Infrastructure Program, Vastewater Treatment Strategy (City Manager).
51. Re proposal of Yesterday's Lounge Inc. (City Manager).
52. Re Rockwood Park/Lily Lake Pavilion/Fisher Lakes (City Manager).
53. Re Building and Technical Services Department (City Manager).
53A. Re proposed sale of property (Councillor A. Vincent).
54. Mayor's update.
55. City Manager's update.
56. 5:00 p.m. - Re water agreements.