1994-05-30_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at Kay 27, 1994. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., May 30 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (May 16). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A a parcel of land containing former Fire Station 17, located at 20 Church Avenue, from Major Institutional to District Centre Commercial classification, to permit the use of the building for a beauty salon and offices, as requested by Peter A. Martin. (b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same area of land from "IL-2" Major Institutional to "B-2" General Business classification. (c) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments. 5. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A a parcel of land containing former Fire Station 15, located at 298- 300 Main Street, from Major Institutional to Commercial classification, to permit the use of the building for offices, as requested by Peter A. Martin. (b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same area of land from "IL-2" Major Institutional to "B-2" General Business classification. (c) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments. 6. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A (i) a parcel of land having a frontage of 66 feet on Gifford Road, a depth of 125 feet and an area of 8,250 square feet, being a portion of NBGIC Number 407031, and (ii) a parcel of land located on the western side of an existing brook, having an area of approximately 66 acres, being a portion of NBGIC Numbers 55024343, 407031 and 36657, from Open Space to Light Industrial classification, to bring the present use of the land owned by Canadian Pacific Ltd. and J.D. Irving Ltd., located along the existing Irving Service Road, into conformity with the Zoning By- Law, as requested by J.D. Irving Limited. (b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same area of land from "R-2" One- and Two-Family Residential and "P" Park to "1-1" Light Industrial classification. (c) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments. (d) Letters in opposition to proposed amendments. 7. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land at 1062 Latimer Lake Road, from "RS-lM" One- and Two-Family and Mobile Home Suburban Residential to "RF" Rural classification, to place the land in the same zoning category as the balance of NBGIC Number 335265 and permit its use as an access road for a gravel pit, as requested by Gerald J. Ryan Co. Ltd. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning. (c) Letters and petition in opposition to proposed re-zoning. (d) Letter on behalf of applicant requesting postponement. Page Two. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at Hay 27, 1994. 8. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A a parcel of land located at 75 Coburg Street at the intersection of Coburg and Garden Streets, from High Density Residential to District Centre Commercial classification, to permit the re-zoning of the property from "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential to "B_2" General Business classification and subsequent use of the existing residential building and adjoining parking area for professional and administrative offices and classrooms, as requested by Maharishi Vedic College Inc. 9. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A a parcel of land located on the northwest side of Westmorland Road opposite the end of Margaret Street, having a frontage of approximately 375 feet on Westmorland Road and being an approximately 2.5 acre portion of the Fernhill Cemetery property, from Open Space to District Centre Commercial classification, to permit the re-zoning of the land from "P" Park to "B_2" General Business classification for the development of a funeral home and chapel, as requested by Fundy Funeral Home Co-Operative Ltd. 10. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A a parcel of land with a frontage of approximately 105 feet on the street and located at 1121 Manawagonish Road, from Low Density Residential to District Centre Commercial classification, to permit the re-zoning of the same property to a "B_2" General Business zone and subsequent additions and renovations to the existing motel units, as requested by Doug King. llA. llB. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. *19. 20. 21. 22. 23. *23A. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 28A. *28B. *28C. *28D. Re lifeguards at City beaches (Councillor Chase). Re lifeguards at City beaches (Councillor Rogers). CITY MANAGER Progress payment, contract 93-12. Report re tender for brush cutter. Report re tender for janitorial service, Rothesay Avenue Complex. Report re tender for contract 94-5, water and sewer renewal Molson Avenue. Report re tender for supply of liquid chlorine. (a) Report re tender for trucks for Water and Sewerage Department. (b) Request of Brunswick Chrysler Plymouth Ltd. to withdraw tender. Report re tender for sidewalk tractors. Report re tender for trucks, Works and Parks Departments. (WITHDRAWN). Report re tender for sand and gravel. Re March 28 request for by-law to control pit bull dogs. Re watershed forest management activities. Re Federal Infrastructure Program. Re rental subsidy for proposed lease for N.B. Museum in Market Square complex. Re Police Force retirements under Pension Act. Re ramp at Charlotte Street entrance to Rotary Admiral Beatty Complex. Re easement for encroachment on Broadway Street. (a) Report in response to R. Wojcik's April 25 presentation re Stevens Road/McGuire Road (withdrawn April 25). (b) French translation of report. Re Marco Polo model. Report re tenders for restoration of grassed areas. Re 55 Canterbury Street. Re lease at Reversing Falls. Re Industrial Relations Board application, Local 771. Page Three. COHMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at Hay 27, 1994. CITY SOLICITOR 29. Re moratorium on operation of pits and quarries while study is undertaken. '30. Re sale and rental of x-rated pornographic videos and magazines in City. COHMON CLERK 31. Legal Session resolution (May 16) re judicial review of Local 61 application to Industrial Relations Board. COHMITTEES 32. Committee of the Whole report (May 16) - (1) re offer to sell property on Foster Thurston Drive; (2) Market Slip beach volleyball; (3) re abandoned CPR Spur between Fairville Boulevard and Throughway; (4, 5) Nominating Committee recommendations. 33. Planning Advisory Committee re street vesting, 580 University Avenue. 34. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision, Cedar Point Estates. 35. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision 145 Norris Road. 36. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re retirement of Bruce Davis. 37. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re retirement of James Keith. GENERAL 38. (a) Letters re by-law to control number and location of adult video stores. (b) Letters questioning need for above by-law. 39. Letter from Stuart Jamieson, MLA - Saint John Fundy, re Clover Valley Road. 40. Letter from Anna Marie Hutton re by-law concerning cats at large. 41. Letter from Brookville Manufacturing Company re May 12 presentation on proposed Pits and Quarries Resource Strategy. 42. Letter from Doreen Clark re housing development in City. 43. Letter from Royal Life Saving Society Canada re lifeguard supervision. 44. Letter from Eric L. Teed re Asian student market. 45. Request of Run For Women for permission to hold run in King's Square. 46. Petition from Senior Citizens of Edith Avenue United Baptist Church, Senior Group, for walkway from Regional Hospital to parking lot. 47. Letter from Ralph Landers re old General Hospital and Veterans' Hospital. 48. Letter from John Schermerhorn resigning from Harbour Bridge Authority. COHMITTEE OF THE llBOLE - 4:00 n.m. 49. 4:00 p.m. - Re collective bargaining. 50. 4:30 p.m. - Presentation by The Market Square Corporation re Museum proposal. 51. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re experience with program. 52. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re Establishment. 53. The Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc. re Rockwood Court Trust Fund. 54. Letter from Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re Union grievance hearings. 55. Re Old General Hospital proposal (City Manager). 56. Re 55 Canterbury Street (City Manager). 57. Re lease at Reversing Falls (City Manager). 58. Re 79 Riverview Drive (City Manager). 59. Re sale of property at corner of Boars Head Road and Millidge Avenue (City Manager). 60. Re acquisition of easements at 428-434 Rothesay Avenue (City Manager). 61. Re Recreation Department Establishment (City Manager). 62. Re Building Inspection Department Establishment (City Manager). 63. Re staffing, Mayor's Office (City Manager). 64. Re Industrial Relations Board Application, Local 771 (City Manager). 65. Mayor's update. 66. City Manager's update.