1994-05-09_Agenda COMMON COUNCIL - as at Hay 6, 1994. AGENDA 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., May 9 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (May 2). 3. Mayor's remarks. *3A. Re Loyalist Burial Ground (Councillor Chase). (YITHDRAiN). *3B. Letter from Messrs. James, Arthur and John Irving re Loyalist Burial Ground. 4. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A the former Grand Bay drive-in theatre, located at 3636 Westfield Road from Low Density Residential to Light Industrial classification, to place the property in a municipal plan designation which reflects the current use as a storage yard for a marina and permit the re- zoning of the property from "R-2" One and Two Family Suburban Residential to "I_I" Light Industrial, as requested by Saint John Marina Ltd. and Loyalist City Boatworks. 4A. 7:15 p.m. - Presentation by The New Brunswick Lung Association re formation of Chapter in Saint John. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. II. *12. *12A. 13 . 14. 15. 16. 17. CITY MANAGER Re 1994 Capital Works Program. Progress payment, contract 91-21, Main and Kennedy Streets water and sewer renewal. Report re tender for petroleum products. Report re tender for garbage packer. Report re tender for ice resurfacer. Re status of closure of Spruce Lake landfill. Re 1994 bond issue. Report re presentation by Mrs. R. Wojcik re McGuire Road. (YITHDRAiN) Re 1994/95 salary provisions for management and non-union staff. CITY SOLICITOR Third reading of proposed Traffic By-Law amendments re (1) parking on Golden Grove Road, and (b) parking on Station Street (1st & 2nd readings given May 2). COMMITTEES Committee of the Whole report (May 2) - (1) re erection of stage on North Market Wharf; (2) re Sand and Slip operation, Market Slip Park. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision, public purpose lands and City/developer subdivision agreement, 1130 Hillcrest Road. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision, public purpose lands and City/developer subdivision agreement, 50 High Ridge Road. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision and City/developer subdivision agreement, 180 Hill Heights Road. GENERAL 18. Application of Thomas E. Secord for re-zoning of property, Secord Subdivision. 19. Letters from (a) Members of Friendship Circle, International Order of The King's Daughters & Sons; (b) Bonny Muir; (c) Jane Conrad; (d) Stacey Yerxa-Russell; (e) Irene Holmes; (f) Lynn Lomax; (g) Fran Kern; (h) Doris Brown; (i) Ruth E. Murphy; (j) Wendy Greer; (k) Kathy Baird; (1) Dianne Banks; (m) Shirley M. Downard; (n) Jeanne M. Gallant; (0) Paula Ring; (p) Ellen Powell; (q) Ellen LaFleur; (r) Mary E. White; (s) Sandra Thomas; (t) Sandra M. Livingstone; (u) S. Hoyt; (v) Joy Lomax; (w) Hendrien Kippers, re enabling legislation to license and regulate pornography distribution. 20. Letter from Canadian Criminal Justice Association, N.B. Chapter re incident involving arrest for outstanding parking violations. 21. Letter from Saint John Youth Hockey Association re Simonds Arena. 22. Letter from Marine, Industrial & Technical Sales Co. Ltd. re thermoplastic road markings. Page 2. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at Hay 6. 1994 COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:00 n.m. 23. 4:00 n.m. - Presentation by Greater Saint John Economic Development Commission. 24. 4:30 p.m. - Re collective bargaining. 25. 5:00 p.m. - Presentation by Loyalist City Carriages. 26. Letter from Local No. 18, C.U.P.E. re arbitration of grievance 94-2. 27. Letter from Chief of Police re labour management meetings. 28. (a) Re Fundy SWAT update; (b) letter from SWAT (City Manager). 29. Re 1994/95 salary provisions (City Manager). 30. Re Recreation Department Establishment (City Manager). 31. Mayor's update. 32. City Manager's update. 33. Re Arbitration Award re dismissal of George Hoyt (City Solicitor). LEGAL SESSION 34. Letter from Board of Trustees, City of Saint John Pension Plan, re spousal benefit.