1994-03-07_Agenda AGENDA COHMON COUNCIL - as at Karch 4, 1994. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 n.m., March 7 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (February 28). 3. Mayor's remarks. - Re St. Patrick's Week Celebration. *3A. Re Rifle Range Rehabilitation project (City Manager). 4. Re grievance hearings (Councillor Coughlan). CITY MANAGER 5. Progress payment - City Hall Mall flooring. 6. Re lease renewal for food/beverage service, Rockwood Park golf course. 7. Re street vendors. 8. Re Provincial Initiatives Towards Municipalities report. 9. Re applications to Challenge '94 student summer employment program. 10. Re application to Federal Infrastructure Program. COHMITTEES 11. Letter from Environment Committee re terms of members. GENERAL 12. Letter from Premier commending Council for effort re 1994 municipal budget process. 13. Letter from FCM re agenda for coming year. 14. Letter from Uptown Saint John Inc. re monument in Loyalist Burial Ground. 15. Letter from Strait Crossing Inc. re Federal Infrastructure Program. 16. Letters from (a) Elmer & Joyce Mersereau; (b) Eric & Florence Chapman; and (c) D. Sidney Hyslop re Crane Mountain as site for sanitary landfill. 17. Letter from St. John's Stone Church re sale of pornography. 18. Letter from Saint John Home Builders' Association Inc. re City's plan for future residential developments. 19. Letter from Gay Wittrien and Frank J. Hogan re "stoop-and-scoop" by-law. 20. Application of Grove Construction Inc. for Section 39 amendment re re-zoning of 2435 Golden Grove Road. 21. Application of New Direction Inc. for re-zoning of 26 Taylor Avenue. 22. Letter from The Marco Polo Project Inc. submitting copy of novel "To Hell or Melbourne". 23. Letter from Saint John Construction Association Inc. re Uptown Strategy Report. 23A. Application of Three Mile Beverage Room (1978) Ltd. for re-zoning of property, Golden Grove Road. COHMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 24. Re collective bargaining (City Manager - tabled February 28, 1994). 25. Teach-in re Human Resources Information System (City Manager - tabled February 28). 26. Re insurance for municipalities (Councillor Rogers). 27. Nominating Committee report. 28. Letter from Local 486, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of Annie Chan grievance. 29. Letter from Winston Cossaboom re disability pension. 30. Request of Local 486, C.U.P.E., to meet re collective agreement. 31. Re Rifle Range Rehabilitation project (City Manager). 32. Mayor's update. 33. City Manager's update.