COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 18. 1994.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., February 21 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (February 14).
3. Mayor's remarks.
- Presentation by Preservation Review Board of heritage awards, and presentation of
Brochures and Typical Details for Streamlining Approval Process.
*3A. Re 63-65 Britain Street (City Manager).
4. Re status of Air Traffic Services at Saint John Airport (Deputy Mayor McAlary).
5. Teach-in re transportation issues concerning City.
6. Progress payment - gymnasium and community centre addition, M. Gerald Teed School.
7. Progress payments - contracts 93-21, 93-15, 93-19.
8. Report re tender for supply of work boots.
9. Re user fees, Spruce Lake landfill.
10. Follow-up to letters at December 20 Council meeting re salting and sanding Magazine
11. Re H.I.D. grants for 137 Orange Street, 118 Orange Street, 137-139 King Street East.
12. Re Environment Minister's position paper, "Environmental Impact Assessment Reform".
13. Re application for re-zoning of 1230 Manawagonish Road (see also item 129).
14. Report re tender for janitorial service for pedway from City Hall to Harbour Station.
15. Re Sandy Point Beach Road.
16. Follow up to Carol Ann and Gary G. White letter on January 31 re Hayes Avenue.
17. Re contract for operation of Children's Farm and Horse Barn in Rockwood Park.
18. Re privatization of Rockwood Park Municipal Golf Course and Aquatic Driving Range.
19. Committee of the Whole report (February 7) - (1) re proposed new Pension Act (see also
item 30A).
20. Committee of the Whole report (February 14) - (1) re Act to create Greater Saint John
Economic Development Commission; (2) purchase of land, Golden Grove Road; (3) proposed
amendment to March 15, 1993 Council resolution re purchase of land from YM/YWCA.
21. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan - 1993 Annual Report.
22. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re retirement of A. Ross Anthony.
23. Letter from The New Brunswick Historical Society as follow-up to previous letter re
monument in Loyalist Burial Ground.
24. Letter from The Marco Polo Project re monument honouring Marco Polo.
25. Letter from Human Development Council requesting nominee for Community Service
26. Letter from Maureen and J. Esmonde Barry re photo in recent newspaper on Heart and Stroke
Celebrity Luncheon.
27. Letter from Harold Mayes re colour of fire apparatus.
28. Letter from N.B. Branch of United Nations Association in Canada re International Year of
the Family.
29. Application of Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd. for Village Estates Inc. for re-zoning
of 1230 Manawagonish Road.
30. Letter from Harvest Christian Fellowship re by-law restricting sale and rental of X-rated
pornographic videos and magazines.
3DA. Letter from four Pension Trustees re proposed Pension Act.
Page 2.
COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at February 18, 1994.
31. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61,
C.U.P.E., of grievances (a) 93-43, on behalf of R. Ryan; (b) 93-44, on behalf
of R. Powers; (c) 93-45, on behalf of L. Tonge.
32.7:00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61,
C.U.P.E., of Union grievance 93-41, payment of legal fees.
33. Request of Castle Funeral Homes to present economic development plan to Council.
34. Request of 31 (Saint John) Service battalion to discuss Freedom of the City.
35. Re lease to Shell Canada, Germain Street West (City Manager).
36. Re 177-179 Canterbury Street (City Manager).
37. Follow up to Local 61 letter on January 4 re grievance 93-36.
38. Re Local 771 request to make presentation (City Manager).
39. Mayor's update.
40. City Manager's update.