1993-12-06_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at December 3, 1993. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 D.m., December 6, 1993 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (November 29). 3. Deputy Mayor's remarks. 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) (i) Proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment to add to Section 620(2)(c)(vii) the following: "(vii) notwithstanding (i) or (d), a beverage room, club or lounge may be located at 660 Brown Street (NBGIC Number 298745)"; and (ii) proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions imposed by Council on October 7, 1985, when 660 Brown Street was re-zoned, by adding a beverage room, club or lounge with hours of operation restricted to 4 p.m. to 2 a.m. to the list of uses permitted at 660 Brown Street, to permit 1,500 square feet of interior floor space to be used for a lounge with liquor license, as requested by Dante Foriere of Diesel Power Services Ltd. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments. (c) Letters in opposition to proposed amendments. (d) Letter from solicitor for applicant re withdrawal of applications. 5. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by Preservation Review Board of 1993 Annual Report and proposed Work Program and Budget for 1994. 6. 8:00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Ability Advisory Committee re issues and concerns which affect consumer groups/disability groups - People First, S.H.A.R.E., Saint John deaf and Hard of Hearing services, CNIB, and Canadian Hard of Hearing Association - NB Branch. CITY MANAGER 7. Progress payment. 8. Re reduction of security for subdivision at 95 Hemlock Street. 9. Report re tender for rental equipment. 10. Re Winterfest. 11. Re Constitution of Cities of New Brunswick Association. 12. Re application of Haldor (1972) Ltd. for re-zoning of 428-434 Rothesay Avenue (public hearing held October 12 - referred, no readings given). 13. Re vehicle auction. CITY SOLICITOR 14. Third reading of proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re parking on Orange Street (1st & 2nd readings November 29). COMMITTEES 15. Committee of the Whole report (November 29) - (1) re lease of land at Courtenay Place; (2) re sale of land adjacent to 102 Westgate Drive; (3) re sale of freehold interest, 54 Collins Street; (4) re proposed closing of Cedar Point Road and development of Cedar Point lands; (5) re architectural services for pedestrian link, Mercantile Centre to Harbour Station; (6) proposed HR Policy Number 128 re Christmas leave; (7) re long-term disability plan, non-union employees; (8) re Public Safety Communications System. 16. Planning Advisory Committee report re proposed re-zoning of 674 Michael Crescent, as requested by Nancy Friars (public hearing held November 8 - tabled, no readings given). 17. Planning Advisory Committee report re proposed subdivision, St. Martin's Road. 18. Planning Advisory Committee report re proposed street vesting and land for public purposes, 70 Goldsworthy Road. Page 2. COHMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at December 3. 1993. GENERAL 19. Letter from Minister of the Environment re K B M Outing Association, Belmont. 20. Invitation from Minister of Municipalities, Culture and Housing to attend Regional Round-Table Meeting on NB Heritage Policy Review. 21. Letter from Leader of the Official Opposition, Legislative Assembly, re Report on Opposition To Video Gambling in New Brunswick. 22. Request of Sajjad R. Mian to address Council. 23. Letter from Ronald L. Galbraith re 203-205 King Street West. 24. Letters re bus service in City. 25. Letter from Joan Pearce following up on letter at last meeting re Loyalist Burial Ground. 26. Petition from Tenants of Saint John City Market requesting that the Market be closed on Boxing Day. COHMITTEE OF THE VHOLE - 4:00 p.m. 27. 4:00 p.m. - Presentation by Human Development Council on activities and future initiatives. 28. 4:30 p.m. - Saint John Board of Police Commissioners budget presentation. 29. 5:30 p.m. - Cherry Brook Zoo budget presentation. 30. Letter from Loyalist City Festival re 1994 grant request. 31. Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission, revised 1994 budget presentation. 32. Re meeting with Kelly Lake property owners (Common Clerk). 33. Reports (a) and (b) re Old General Hospital (City Manager). 34. Deputy Mayor's update. 35. City Manager's update. LEGAL SESSION 36. Letter from Board of Police Commissioners re administrative issue.