COMMON COUNCIL - as at September 3, 1993.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 n.m., Tuesday, September 7 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (August 30)
*2A. Appointment of Acting City Manager.
3. Mayor's remarks.
3A. Follow-up to August 30 Council resolution re CP Railway's main line (Mayor Wayne).
3B. Re "Mission Life Save" aid to victims in Former Yugoslavia (Mayor Wayne).
4. Re CP Rail (Councillor Landers).
5. Progress payment contract 92-19 Station Street Phase 1.
6. Follow-up report re City Market Animation Project report, tabled August 30.
7. Re approval of application for Upper Floor Grant for former Ritchie building, Princess
and Canterbury Streets.
8. Re sale of freehold of Lot 91-2, Union Street.
9. Re Saint John air quality in 1992.
10. Re CMHC ACT grant approval for streamline application process for infill housing
11. Re proposed amendment to Community Planning Act re shopping centres.
12. Re application of Exhibition Association of the City and County of Saint John for
Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 201 McAllister Drive (see also item 113).
13. Re application of Exhibition Association of the City and County of Saint John for
Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property, Westmorland Road and McAllister Drive
(public presentation August 3).
14. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 85, 89 & 91 Paradise Row, as
requested by The Brenan Group Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings August 30).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone above property (1st &
2nd readings August 30).
15. Committee of the Whole report (August 16) - (1) re Sport and Recreation Policy for New
16. Committee of the Whole report (August 30) - (1) re grant for The New Brunswick Museum;
(2) Nominating Committee recommendations; (3) nominee to arbitration of Local No. 18,
C.U.P.E., grievance 93-2 on behalf of Chesley Hynes; (4) re placement of sign
intersection of Sandy Point Road; (5) re acquisition of sewer easement, 171 Rockland
Road; (6) re Spruce Lake/East and West Musquash Watershed Designation Study; (7) re
Rockwood Park Children's Farm and Horse Barn; (8) re VIA Station relocation; (9) re land
acquisition in Kelly Lake area.
17. Response from FCM to Council's resolution on Rail Network in Eastern Canada.
18. Letter from Cities of New Brunswick Association, Inc. re deadline for submission of
resolutions to 1993 Annual Meeting in Saint John.
19. Letter from I Love Canada Walk Committee re parades on Canada Day.
20. Letter from Guy F. Bourque re closing time for hot dog vendors.
21. Letter from Fort LaTour Development Authority re identification monument for site.
22. Letter from N.B. Branch, United Nations Association in Canada re City flagpole.
23. Letter from Harbour Station re restricting mobile peddling and hawking in area.
24. Letter from Harbour Station re by-law to restrict practice of scalping.
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COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at September 3, 1993.
26. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., grievance 93-19 on behalf of E.
27. 6:45 p.m. - Presentation by First Night Saint John re sponsorship opportunities.
28. Re street beggars (Councillor Chase).
29. Re means of employing recipients of social and income assistance (Councillor Chase).
30. Letter from Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of grievance 93-17, George Hoyt.
31. Re request to purchase or lease land adjacent to 325 Latimer Lake Road (City Manager).
32. Re sale of land at 95 Manchester Avenue (City Manager).
33. Re sale of land adjacent to 242 Mark Drive (City Manager).
34. Re proposed land exchange, Manchester Avenue and Manawagonish Road (City Manager).
35. Re proposal call - City land at Cedar Point (City Manager).
36. Re Corporate Operational Review (City Manager).
37. (a) City Manager's update.
(b) City Manager's update.
38. Re C.U.P.E. Local No. 61 contempt of court action (City Solicitor).
39. Re City Manager position (City Solicitor).2