COMMON COUNCIL - as at Hay 14, 1993.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 n.m., May 17 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (May 10)
3. Mayor's remarks.
_ Presentation of certificates to Honourary Charter Officials.
4. Re per diem for Council members attending FCM (Mayor Wayne).
*4A. Copy of letter from Rifle Range Residents Association re traffic study.
5. Progress payment.
6. Re May 3 offer for City to purchase A.R. Cooke charcoal drawings.
7. Re security for rehabilitation of gravel pit, 990 Grandview Avenue.
8. Re security for rehabilitation of gravel pit, 1651 Sand Cove Road.
9. Proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re parking on Elliott Row.
10. Re lease of space in City Market to The New Brunswick Museum.
11. Re RCMP Veterans' Association's request for grant.
12. Report re tender for contract 93-7, water and sewer renewal Duke Street (C).
13. Report re tender for sand and gravel.
14. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 134 Sydney Street, as
requested by R. E. Darling Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings May 10).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone above property (1st
& 2nd readings May 10).
15. Committee of the Whole report (April 13) - (1) re Freedom of the City.
16. Committee of the Whole report (May 10) - (1) Nominating Committee recommendation;
(2) re former decorative pool area; (3) re budget transfer, Saint John Regional
Exhibition Centre Commission; (4) re grant requests of Centre Communautaire Samuel-
de-Champlain and West Side Days Committee.
17. Letter from Wallace S. Turnbull resigning from Greater Saint John Economic
Development Commission.
18. Request of Gordon Hunt to rent land in Rockwood Park on which to conduct pony rides.
19. Application of Wm. P. Dowd & Sons Ltd. for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-
zoning of 560 Somerset Street.
20. Application of Bolands Limited for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-zoning
of 20 Prince Edward Street.
20A. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by Local Union No. 771, I.A.F.F., of grievance 93-1.
21. Letter from E.B. MacLean re status of presentation on Champlain Heights signage.
22. Re Sand Cove Road project (City Manager).
23. Re May 10 request of The Boys & Girls Club of Saint John Inc. for waiver of Pavilion
fee (City Manager).
24. Re May 10 request of Saint John and Western District Crime Stoppers for grant.
25. Re tender for restoration of utility cuts (City Manager).
26. Re Skyfest (City Manager).
27. City Manager's update.
28. Public hearing re proposed re-zoning of 610 Millidge Avenue (City Solicitor).