COMMON COUNCIL - as at April 2, 1993.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 D.m., April 5 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (March 29)
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re amendments to Liquor Control Act (Mayor Wayne).
5. Re Canada Day Youth Award (Mayor Wayne).
SA. Re proposed mall, corner of McAllister Place and Westmorland Road (Mayor Wayne).
5B. Request of Air Atlantic Celebrity Golf Tournament for waiver of green fees and
Pavilion rental fee (Mayor Wayne).
6. Re Simonds Lions Field, Westmorland Road (Councillor A. Vincent).
7. Re property at corner of McAllister Drive and Westmorland Road (Councillor A.
Vincent) .
7A. Re Park Hill Drive and Byron Street (Councillor A. Vincent).
7B. Re Hay Management Consultants' report (Councillor A. Vincent).
*7C. Copy of letter from R. A. Corbett, MP re invitation to Standing Committee on
Transport to visit Saint John.
8. Report re tender for asphaltic concrete mixes.
9. Re Employment Awareness Initiative - "Face To Face" Program.
10. Re approval of general leave of absence, Constable John Richardson.
11. Re application of R. E. Darling Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of
property at 134 Sydney Street (public presentation March 1).
12. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 77-79 Sewell Street, as
requested by David H. Mills (1st & 2nd readings March 29).
13. Committee of the Whole - (March 29) - (1) re Ross Memorial Park; (2) re requests for
financial assistance.
14. Saint John Ability Advisory Committee re terms of reference, mission statement,
goals and objectives.
15. Saint John Ability Advisory Committee re accessibility to facilities.
16. Request of City of Saint John's 1993 National Access Awareness Week Employment
Subcommittee for financial donation.
*17. Letter from City of Saint John Retired Members Association re Pension Plan.
18. Re position in Tourism and Communications (City Manager).
19. (a) Re "sports event" market.
(b) Re Major Tournament Committee.
20. City Manager's update.