1993-03-22_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 19, 1993. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., March 22 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (March 15). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re Town of Grand Bay's contribution to C1V1C centre (Mayor Wayne). 5. Re request of Saint John Chapter of Hadassah-WIZO Organization of Canada for congratulatory ad in Commemorative Book (Mayor Wayne). SA. Report of FCM Standing Committee on National Transportation and Communications meeting (Mayor Wayne). 5B. Request of Roger McKellar for sponsorship re United States Collegiate Choir (Mayor Wayne) . 5C. Re tag days (Mayor Wayne). CITY MANAGER 6. Progress payment. 7. Re purchase order for underground hydro services on Union Street. 8. Re Spring Cleaning Program. 9. Response to March 15 request of Saint John Home Builders' Association for support for Rifle Range Recycle Project. 10. Report re tender for concrete grade ring segments. COMMON CLERK 11. Re application of Dianne Rutherford for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 96 Richard Street (public presentation February 15). 12. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re property on St. Martins Road, as requested by Hughes Surveys & Consultants Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings March 15) . (a) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above property (1st & 2nd readings March 15. 13. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 811 Grandview Avenue, as requested by Donald E. Mabee (1st & 2nd readings March 15). (b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above property (1st & 2nd readings March 15). 14. (a) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re re-zoning of 19 Golden Grove Road, as requested by Three Mile Beverage Room (1978) Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings March 15). (b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment re 5-19 Golden Grove Road (1st & 2nd readings March 15). (c) Planning Advisory Committee recommendation 3 re amendment to Section 101 Agreement for Three Mile Beverage Room. COMMITTEES 15. Committee of the Whole report (March 15) - (1) re proposed closing and transfer of portion of Whipple Street; (2) re proposed HR Policy #803 Sick Leave Plan (Interim). 16. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re retirement of Conrad Northrup. GENERAL 17. Application of Prince Edward Square for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re- zoning. Page 2. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at March 19, 1993. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 18. 7:00 p.m. - Presentation by Fundy SWAT (see also item #22). 19. Re Marco Polo Project (Mayor Wayne - verbal). 19A. Re water agreements (Councillor Knibb). 20. Letter from Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., re change in nominee for arbitration of 92-12. 21. Letter from Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of grievance 93-1. 22. Re Fundy SWAT (City Manager). 23. Response to March 8 letter from Jervis Bay Memorial Branch No. 53, Royal Canadian Legion (City Manager). 24. Re proposed Smoking By-Law (City Manager). 25. Re Retirees' prescription drug coverage (City Manager). 26. City Manager's updates (a) and (b). 26A. Re Deans Hill (City Manager). 26B. Re regionalization feasibility study (City Manager). LEGAL SESSION 27. Third party claim action re 1986 fire on Woodhaven Drive (City Solicitor).