1993-01-25_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at January 22. 1993. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., January 25 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (January 18). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Tourism Industry Association of New Brunswick concerns re proposed Smoking By-Law (Mayor Wayne). 5. Re support to Moncton in its effort to save Depot (Mayor Wayne). CITY MANAGER 6. Progress payment re Carleton Community Centre miscellaneous renovations. 7. Progress payment re contract 92-1 concrete curb and sidewalk, various streets. 8. Re 1993 insurance. 9. Re 1993 fees and charges for Rockwood Park. 10. Re Federal grants in lieu of municipal property taxes. 11. Report re tender for collection of parking meter revenue. 12. January 18 Council resolution re easement for encroachment at 300 Charlotte Street West. 13. Re request for easement for encroachment at 66 Elliott Row. 14. Re sale of freehold interest at 70 Pitt Street. COMMON CLERK 15. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 980 Westfield Road (1st & 2nd readings January 18). (b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone above property (1st & 2nd readings January 18). 16. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment re redemption centres (1st & 2nd readings January 18). 17. Third reading of proposed Water & Sewerage By-Law amendment (1st & 2nd readings January 18). 18. Legal Session resolution (January 18) re Local No. 61 application to Industrial Relations Board. COMMITTEES 19. Committee of the Whole report (January 11) - (1) re proposed street closings in Rifle Range area and land exchange. 20. Committee of the Whole report (January 18) (1) re proposed HR Policy 1808 "Regular Hours of Duty - Management Staff"; (2) amendment to September 21, 1992 resolution re acquisition of land on Golden Grove Road; (3) re subdivision of land on Manchester Avenue; (4) proposed title change - Tourism. GENERAL 21. Response from Assistant Deputy Minister - Cultural Affairs, to August 4, 1992 Council resolution re amendment to Municipal Heritage Preservation Act. 22. Letter from Chester and Shirley Johnson re Brookville Manufacturing Company quarry in Acamac - Ketepec area. 23. Request of Congress of Black Women, Saint John Chapter, for sponsorship for guest speaker during Black History Month. Page 2. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at January 22. 1993. COMMITTEE OF THE VHOLE 24. Re Oncology Unit at Saint John Regional Hospital (Councillor Rogers). 25. Re Heritage Day (Councillor Rogers). 26. Strategic Plan Review Committee report and recommendations (Councillor Trites). 27. Environment Committee Annual Report. 28. Re retirees' prescription drug plan (City Solicitor). 29. Proposed amendment to August 4, 1992 Council resolution re 279 Main Street (City Manager). 30. Re offer for City to purchase land on Otter Lake Road in Loch Lomond watershed (City Manager). 31. Re offer for City to purchase land on Loch Lomond (City Manager). 32. Re proposed development St. Patrick's Street (City Manager). 33. Proposed amendment to June 8. 1992 Council resolution re sale of land at Hilyard Place (City Manager). 34. Re banking services (City Manager). 35. Re demolition tenders (City Manager).