1992-12-07_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at December 4. 1992. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., December 7 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (November 30). 3. Mayor's remarks. *3A. Re Greenwood Subdivision (City Manager). 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions imposed on February 1, 1971,when the re-zoning was approved for a lot at 241 Millidge Avenue, located at the intersection of Millidge Avenue and Spar Cove Road, to accept a revised proposal to permit the operation of a take-out restaurant in the existing building, as requested by Henry Beaulieu. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. CITY MANAGER 5. Progress payment, contract 92-14, Mount Pleasant Avenue water and sewer. 6. Report re tender 92-28, Main Street road upgrading. 7. Proposed amendment to September 28 Council resolution re acquisition of storm sewer easement on Westminster Court. 8. Payment of invoice re Christmas decorative lighting - 1992. 9. Re Community Recreation and Open Space Strategy - Final Report and recommendations. 10. Re reduction of security amount, Westgate Park Subdivision. COMMITTEES 11. Saint John Ability Advisory Committee re implementation of recommendations. 12. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Sandra Cullen for re-zoning of 336-338 Charlotte Street West (public hearing November 23 - tabled). 13. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision for municipal services easement, Hollybrook Court. 14. Preservation Review Board re Jardine's (Horsefie1d) Alley. GENERAL 15. Letter from Henry C. Smith inviting City to purchase a visual art. 16. Letter from P. Tippett re municipal solid waste recycling. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:00 p.m. 17. 4:00 p.m. - Presentation by Human Development Council of update on activities and plans for 1993. 18. 4:15 p.m. - Presentation by The Market Square Corporation of update on projects. 19. 4:30 p.m. - Meeting with Mr. G. E. Graham re Harbour Development Commission. 20. Nominating Committee report. 21. Re Lily Lake Pavilion proposal call (City Solicitor). 22. Re Lily Lake Pavilion (City Manager - tabled November 23). 23. Re request to purchase land on Red Head Road (City Manager). 24. Re sale of freehold interest in 138 Elliott Row (City Manager). 25. Re 1993 Operating Budget (City Manager). 26. Re Police Commission budget (City Manager). 27. Re Greenwood Subdivision (City Manager). 28. Re Spruce Lake landfill (City Manager 29. City Manager's update. LEGAL SESSION 30. Re 1925 Building Act (City Solicitor).