1992-11-02_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL- as at October 30, 1992. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., November 2 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (October 26 & October 27). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re request of New Brunswick Association for Community Living for City to be major sponsor of ski challenge (Mayor Wayne). CITY MANAGER 5. Progress payment contract 91-18, chipseal 1991. 6. Progress payment contract 92-0806T, condenser replacement Gorman Arena. 7. (a) Response to complaint about Manners Sutton Road and (b) letter from Mrs. Mary Hanley requesting to address City Manager's response. 8. Proposed amendment to Community Planning Act re payments for compensating flood storage. 9. Re compensating flood storage, 44 Simpson Drive. 10. Re compensating flood storage, 472 Rothesay Avenue. 11. Re collection of business improvement area levies. 12. Request for easement for encroachment at 200 Duke Street. 13. Re H.I.D. application 92-8, Saint John Drywall Home Buildings Ltd., 14 Suffolk Street. 14. Re H.I.D. application 92-9, Saint John Non-Profit Housing Inc., 147 Queen Street. 15. Re Calvary Temple's concerns about parking on Sydney Street. COMMON CLERK 16. Third reading of proposed Preservation Area By-Law amendment (tabled October 26). 17. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment re signs, Section 840(3) (1st and 2nd readings given October 26). COMMITTEES 18. Committee of the Whole report (October 26) - (1) re 2400 Ocean Westway. GENERAL 19. Request of Senor Citizens Services Saint John Inc. for free rent or grant in lieu of rent at City Market building. 20. Application of Henry Beaulieu for amendment to Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of 241 Millidge Avenue. 21. Letter from Saint John Charter Rights and Civil Liberties Association re proposed smoking by-law. 22. Letter from Saint John Model Flying Club declining offer re Howe's Lake, July 20 Council resolution. 23. Letter from Peter Pickett re Greenwood Subdivision situation. Page 2. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at October 30, 1992. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 24. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., of grievance 92-14. 25. 7:00 p.m. - Presentation re health and dental benefits. 26. 7:30 p.m. - Teach-in on middle management issues. 27. Major Tournament Committee re Skyfest Productions Inc. (see also item 139). 28. Letter from Minister of the Environment re J.E.P.P. funding for communications system. 29. Family Services Saint John, Inc. re 1993 grant application. 30. Re water and sewerage services to unincorporated areas near City (City Solicitor). 31. City Manager's update. 32. Re promoting the community (City Manager). 33. Re Council's facilities (City Manager). 34. Re focusing on customer service (City Manager). 35. Re regionalization (City Manager). 36. Re development process (City Manager). 37. Re 44 St. James Street (City Manager). 38. Re technological change provisions, collective agreement with Inside Workers (City Manager). 39. Re Skyfest Productions Inc. (City Manager). 40. Re Saint John Fire Department (City Manager). 41. Re Hay Report (City Solicitor). LEGAL SESSION