1992-09-14_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at September 11. 1992. 1. Meeting called to order, 1:00 p.m., September 14 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (September 8) 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A a parcel of land at 2 Pokiok Road, from Open Space to Light Industrial classification, to permit development of a fixed wharf on the St. John River and a small office for a marine contracting company, as requested by Northern Marine Services Limited. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 5. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment to add to Section 7830(1)(a) the words "- subject to Section 810(3), a home occupation;", to permit home occupancies in the .p. Park zone in the same fashion that they are permitted in most residential zones, as requested by Richard Powell and Atsuko Nose. (b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 6. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation from The Community Forum - Building The Vision - Uptown Saint John. 7. 8:00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Sports Hall of Fame Committee of 1992 Final Report. 8. Re consultants report (Councillor A. Vincent) CITY MANAGER 9. Report re tender for contract 92-20, Provincially Designated Highways pavement resurfacing. 10. Report re tender for contract 92-21, Phase I closure, Spruce Lake Landfill. 11. Report re tender for miscellaneous renovations, recreation centres. 12. Report re tender for structural renovations, #8 Fire Station. 13. Report re tender for metal siding, Rothesay Avenue complex. 14. Report re tender for demolition of 275-279 Main Street. 15. Re land clearing and debris removal - Spruce Lake Industrial Park. COMMITTEES 16. Committee of the Whole report (September 8) -*(1) Re Human Resources Policy 1806 (WITHDRAWN); (2) re payment of legal fees; (3) re sale of property, 172-174 Wentworth Street; and (4) re tenders for construction of Fire Stations #5 and #7. 17. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision, Ian Street Extension. *18. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning of property, 1018 Sand Cove Road (public hearing held August 31; no readings given) (WITHDRAWN). GENERAL 19. Letter from The Marco Polo Project re letter of support from Tourism Industry Association of New Brunswick. Page 2. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at September 11, 1992. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 4:00 p.m. 20. 4:00 p.m. - Presentation re United Way campaign. 21. (a) City Manager's update. (b) City Manager's update. 22. Re opportunities for positive change (City Manager). 23. Re developing a policy manual (City Manager). 24. Re Council briefing sessions (City Manager). 25. Re proposed team building session (City Manager). 26. Re agenda items (City Manager). 27. Re Council approved policies (City Manager). 28. Re organizational review (City Manager). 29. Report from City Manager re City Manager's vehicle (tabled Feb. 24) 30. Re employee personal computer purchase plan (City Manager). 31. Re acquisition of land for drainage (City Manager). 32. Re storm sewer easement - Brentwood Park Subdivision (City Manager). 33. Re acquisition of land for water tower (City Manager). 34. Re organizational approach to economic development (City Manager). 35. Letter from Minister of the Environment re proposed meetings.