COMMON COUNCIL - as at July 3, 1992.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 n.m., July 6 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (June 20 & June 22).
3. Mayor's remarks.
7:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A, two
parcels of land located at 701-705 Brunswick Drive, from High Density
Residential to District Centre Commercial classification, to permit
the use of the property for commercial purposes, with the proposal
being to place a mobile trailer on the property to be used as a new
and used goods store, as requested by David McEachern.
(b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same parcels of land
from nRM_1n Three-Storey Multiple Residential to nB_2n General
Business classification.
(c) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
7:00 p.m. - (a)
7:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed amendment to Council resolution of February 23, 1981 which
limited Hestia House to a 16-bed facility, to now permit a 24-bed
facility for abused women and their children at 125 Douglas Avenue,
as requested by Hestia House Inc.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land at 621
Dever Road, from nIL_In Neighbourhood Institutional to nRM_1" Three-
Storey Multiple Residential classification, to permit the development
of a non-profit seniors housing project by St. Rose Parish Community
Housing Inc., as requested by St. Rose Parish Community Housing Inc.
(b) Report from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
7. 7:00 p.m. _ Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate two
parcels of land at 116 Queen Street and 183 Carmarthen Street, from Medium
Density Residential to District Centre Commercial classification, to permit
the re-zoning of the property to "B-2" General Business classification so
that it can be used to maintain the applicant's taxis, as requested by
Diamond Taxi (Saint John) 1982 Ltd.
8. 7:30 p.m. _ Presentation by Elizabeth Fry Society re establishment of Residential
Correctional Centre for women.
9. 7:45 p.m. _ Presentation by Housing Working Group of Development Workshop Report.
10. 8:00 p.m. _ Presentation on behalf of Debly Subdivision, Red Head, re sewerage and
ditch problems (see also item 56).
11. Re public-private study of home-based business sector for FCM's Standing Committee on
Economic Development (Mayor Wayne).
12. Re H.I.D. Program (Mayor Wayne).
13. Re request of Black Loyalists of N.B. Association for grant (Mayor Wayne).
14. Re Edmonton's 100th anniversary (Mayor Wayne).
14A. Re St. Joseph's Hospital (Mayor Wayne).
15. Re Sewerage By-Law (Councillor Chase).
16. Re wood chips from tractor-trailers (Councillor Chase).
17. Re reconstruction of King's Square steps (Deputy Mayor McAlary).
18. Re Little River Reservoir (Councillor Chase).
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COHMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at July 3, 1992.
19. Re tender for demolition of 178 Victoria Street.
20. Progress payment re contract 91-1.
21. Report re tender for breathing apparatus.
22. Report re tender for turn-out clothing.
23. Report re tender for contract 92-3, Spruce Lake Industrial Park standpipe (see also
item #57).
24. Report re tender for contract 92-6, Orange Street reconstruction, Phase II.
25. Report re tender for contract 92-8, McAllister Drive - street reconstruction.
26. Report re tender for contract 92-12, Victoria & Charlotte Streets water and sewer
27. Re Board of Trade's proposal for bicycle path network.
28. Re November 12, 1991 request for report on hydroseeding of land for public purposes.
29. Re February 24 discussion on establishment of Municipal Youth Advisory Council.
30. Re May 4 letter from River Road Concerned Citizens concerning Crown Reserve Road.
31. Re request for license - Anthony's Cove Road.
32. Re sale of lessor's interest - 70 Pitt Street.
33. Re request of Prude Inc. for subsidization of rental fees for space in City Market.
34. Re June 1 and 8 concern about fallout from Brookville Manufacturing lime quarry.
35. Re 1991 Annual Report - Recreation Department.
36. Report re tender for confined space retrieval systems.
37. (a) Third reading of proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re parking on Chipman Hill
(formerly Prince William Street) (1st & 2nd readings June 22).
(b) Third reading of proposed Parking Meter By-Law amendment re Chipman Hill (1st & 2nd
readings June 22).
38. Re February 10, 1992 resolution for Notice of Intention to expropriate parcel of land
on Thorne Avenue, Haldor (1972) Ltd.
39. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 665 Loch Lomond Road, as
requested by 037042 N.B. Inc. (1st & 2nd readings June 22).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone above property (1st &
2nd readings June 22).
40. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment re taxi business at 860 Dever
Road, as requested by Gerry Holden and B. Lynn McDonald (1st & 2nd readings June 22).
41. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 153-157 Metcalf Street, as
requested by Wayne Polley (1st & 2nd readings June 22).
42. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a portion of 1619 Old
Black River Road, as requested by Lagace Trucking Co. Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings June
43. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 60-62 Cedar Grove
Crescent, as requested by G. R. Morey (1st & 2nd readings June 22).
44. Committee of the Whole report (June 22) - (1) re tender for Germain Street upgrading,
including pedestrian link; (2) re Aitken Bicentennial Exhibition Centre 1991 operating
deficit; (3) re Council appointments to Cities of New Brunswick Association committees;
(4) re retention of Gemtec Limited's services for Spruce Lake landfill; (5) re license
for parking on McAllister Drive land; (6) re acquisition of 71 St. James Street; (7) re
acquisition of land for widening of Union Street; (8) re use of North Market Wharf for
"Buskers On The Boardwalk" & *sponsorship of closing ceremonies; (9) re Loch Lomond
Water Protection Association's request ,for consideration of land purchase.
*re B.L.E.U. Non-Profit Housing Inc./169147 Canada Inc.; *Nominating Committee
recommendation re The Market Square Corporation.
45. Committee of the Whole report (June 23) - (1) re Fire Department establishment.
46. Saint John Parking Commission - 1991 Annual Report.
47. Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision for vesting Parcel G, Hilyard Street.
48. Planning Advisory Committee re proposed subdivision, Westgate Park.
49. Planning Advisory Committee re addition to vehicle service centre, 472 Rothesay Avenue.
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COHMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at July 3, 1992.
50. Request of Emergency Medical Symposium 1992 for financial support.
51. Letter from the Buck Family, Sand Cove Road, opposing proposal for toxic waste
treatment plant at Sheldons Point.
52. Correspondence from Crescent Valley Tenants Association re Veterans Housing
Development, Churchill Boulevard.
53. Request of Nominating Committee for Organizing Group for First Night Saint John for
appointment of Bernard Cormier to represent City on Board of Directors.
54. Letter from The Marco Polo Project re endorsement of Village Historique Acadien.
55. Application of Wendy E. Fowler for re-zoning of Ian Street Extension.
56. Letters from (a) Russell Hayward- and Karen Ba~ley re sewage and drainage problem in
Debly Subdivision; and (b) Garry Prosser and Edward Doyle re procedure for presentation
in this regard.
57. Request of David C. Walker, solicitor for Landmark Structures (Ontario) Ltd., to
address Council re contract 92-3, Spruce Lake Industrial Park standpipe.
58. 4:00D.m.: Presentation by Saint John Parking Commission re 1991 Annual Report.
59. 5:00 D.m. _ Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No.
61, C.U.P.E., of Union grievance 92-12 re staff inspector job not filled.
60. 5:15 D.m. - Status report re Uptown Strategy.
61. Re Saint John Fire Department establishment (City Solicitor).
62. Re November 25, 1991 request of Saint John Model Flying Club for use of former Howes
Lake dumpsite (City Manager).
63. Re proposed acquisition of land on Latimer Lake Road (City Manager).
64. Re lease of land at Spruce Lake to CNR (City Manager).
65. Re City Market rental arrears (City Manager).
66. Re March 16 report of Working Group on Multiculturalism and Race Relations (City
Manager) .
67. Re requests of Saint John Figure Skating Club and Saint John Amateur Speedskating Club
for subsidized ice rental rates during off-season (City Manager).
68. Responses to letters from (1) John Logan re boating facilities; (2) Labatt's Aquarius
Slow Pitch Team requesting grant; (3) Gregory F. McGaghey re rental space at Tucker and
Dominion Parks; (4) Ken and Evelyn Bradley re Sutton Road; (5) West Side Preservation &
Development Association re Tilley Square Bandstand; (6) Paul Oliver and Dan Gallant
requesting grant for World Karate Championships; (7) H. L. Thomas re flowers for
Cushing Park; (8) Ralph Streb re "Adopt A Block"; (9) S. Thorn re City-owned land on
Morley Crescent.
69. Re collective bargaining (City Manager).
70. Re Purchasing Agent position (City Manager).
71. Staffing report - Purchasing Agent (City Manager).
72. Staffing report - Deputy Commissioner of Finance (City Manager).
73. Re B.L.E.U. (City Solicitor).