COMMON COUNCIL - as at Hay 15, 1992.
1. Meeting called to order. 4:00 D.m.. Tuesday. May 19 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (May 4).
3. Mayor's remarks.
- Appointment of Honourary Charter Officials.
4. 4:00 D.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on
Schedule 2-A a property located at 134 Sydney Street and known at one time as
the 1880 Club. from High Density Residential to District Centre Commercial
classification. to permit the re-zoning of the property to a "B-2" General
Business zone and the re-use of the existing building as a combination of a
restaurant. convention facility. inn. or offices. as requested by Rod
Crowther/RE/MAX Professionals (1989) Ltd.
5. Re request to use Lily Lake Pavilion (Mayor Wayne).
6. Re 1992 program for improvements to Provincially-designated highways (Mayor Wayne).
7. Re docking problems in Saint John Harbour (Mayor Wayne).
8. Re cost per hour for ice time for Figure Skating Club (Mayor Wayne).
9. Re Saint John Board of Police Commissioners (Mayor Wayne).
10. Re schedule of Council meetings (Mayor Wayne).
lOA. Re garbage collection following Monday holiday (Councillor A. Vincent).
11. Progress payment re contract for 7th floor renovations.
12. Progress payment re contract 91-9. sewage pump station.
13. Progress payment re contract for exhaust system. East Works facility.
14. Progress payment re contract for electrical renovations. Old Provincial building.
15. Report re tender for contract 92-1. concrete curb and sidewalk construction.
16. Report re tender for janitorial services.
17. Report re tender for tires and tubes.
18. Re rescinding of December 16. 1991 Council resolution re grant for Peter Gzowski
Invitational Golf Tournament.
19. Re letters concerning residential parking permits/towing of vehicles.
20. Re consent to sale of interest. Saint John Mercantile Centre.
21. Re May 4 request for taxi medallion system and freeze on number of taxi cabs.
22. Re Speak Easy Inc.'s April 21 request for reconsideration of previous grant request.
22A. Report re tender for uniform clothing.
22B. Report re tender for paid-up life insurance.
23. Re legislation for Regional Exhibition Centre Commission.
24. Re Fish & Game Association.
25. Re application of 037042 N.B. Inc. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 665 Loch
Lomond Road (public presentation made April 13).
26. Committee of the Whole report (May 4) - (1) re Honourary Charter Officials; (2) re
settlement for land required for 15 Fire Station; (3) engagement of consulting services
re pedestrian link between Mercantile Centre and Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre;
(4) policy re grants in lieu of Lily Lake Pavilion rental fee. and response to three
recent requests.
27. Arbor Day Committee re May 21 tree planting ceremony.
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COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at Hay 15, 1992.
28. Application of Hestia House Inc. for amendment to Section 39 re-zoning of 125 Douglas
29. Letter from Lois Johnson re gravel trucks.
30. Letter from Muriel Rogers requesting to place fill on her property at 98 Glen Road.
31. Letter from Freda Snowden of Sussex Corner re receipt of parking ticket.
32. Application of St. Rose Parish Community Housing Inc. for re-zoning of Dever Road
33. Application of G. R. Morey for re-zoning of property at 62 Cedar Grove Crescent.
34. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board of hearing of application for beverage room and
entertainment licenses for premises at 75 King Street.
35. Letter from Mary J. Clark on behalf of West Side citizens, The Friends of Fairville
Station, re property on which to locate the former Train Station.
36. Application of Diamond Taxi (Saint John) 1982 Ltd. for re-zoning of 183 Carmarthen
37. Application of Saint John Medical Clinic Inc. for amendment to Section 39 re-zoning of
295 Metcalf Street.
38. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Local Union No. 771, I.A.F.F., of grievances (a) 92-8 re
articles 7:07 of permanent firefighters, and 7:06 and 11:02 of holiday-relief
firefighters' contracts concerning cutbacks; and (b) 92-12 re articles' 4: 01
discrimination and 15:01 vacation entitlements.
39. 7:00 p.m. - Presentation by CFBC Radio 98 Lite FM re Canada 125 registered event.
40. 7:15 p.m. - Presentation by New Brunswick Mental Health Nurses Group re reduction ~n
41. Re Saint John Participaction Challenge '92 (Councillor Rogers).
42. Re Recreation and Parks Advisory Board Arbor Day dinner (Councillor Rogers).
43. Re redevelopment of Lily Lake Pavilion (City Manager).
44. Re departmental activity reports (City Manager).
45. Re H.I.D. grant, B.L.E.U. Non-Profit Housing Inc. (City Manager).
46. Re offer for City to buy land on corner of Champlain Drive and Grandview Avenue (City
Manager) .
47. Re erection of stage on North Market Wharf (City Manager).
48. Re Cones Ice-Cream Ltd.'s kiosk in Market Slip area (City Manager).
49. Re status of rent, Pokiok Road property (City Manager).
50. Re lease of land, Courtenay Bay Inn (City Manager).
51. Re restoration of Women's Temperance Monument (City Manager).
52. Re Saint John Airport (City Manager).
53. Re Atlantic Coastal Action Program (ACAP) update (City Manager).
54. Re FCM Municipal Exchange Program with Roseau, Dominica (City Manager).
55. Re Fire Department related issues (City Manager).
56. Re Local Union No. 771, I.A.F.F. grievance 92-11 on meal policy (City Manager).
57. Re collective bargaining (City Manager).
58. Re Fish & Game Association (City Solicitor).
59. Re B.L.E.U. (City Solicitor).