1992-03-09_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at Karch 6, 1992. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 n.m., March 9 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (March 2) 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re Provincial response to 1992 municipal budget (Mayor Wayne). 5. Re Certificate of Merit for 1991 Safe Driving Week (Mayor Wayne). 6. Premier's response to letter re regionalization of services (Mayor Wayne). *6A. Copy of letter to Mayor from Jennifer Mann of Moncton. *6B. Minutes of Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre Interim Committee. CITY MANAGER 7. Progress payment re 91-0831T. 8. Progress payment re 91-0839. 9. Re Challenge '92 program for student summer employment. 10. Re 1992 fees and charges for Rockwood Park. *11. Re Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre hydro relocation. (WITHDRAWN) 12. Notice of Motion re bond issue. CITY SOLICITOR 13. Re proposed amendment to Section 39 conditions of 160 Chesley Drive (tabled at March 2 public hearing). COMMON CLERK 14. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re re-zoning of 57 Eldersley Avenue, as requested by Kevin Steele (1st & 2nd readings given March 2). COMMITTEES 15. Committee of the Whole report (March 2) - (1) re Saint John Harbour Development Commission 1991 Annual Report; (2) re acquisition of land on McAllister Drive; (3) re lease of space at 49 Princess Street; (4) re Boys' and Girls' Club parking on Crown Street; (5) re location of vegetable stand on McAllister Drive; (6) re City representation on Major Tournament Committee; (7) re Vehicle Accident Investigation and Reporting Policy 403. 16. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re retirement of Raymond Beale. 17. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re retirement of George Chapman. GENERAL 18. Request of David W. Buckle Curling Team for grant. 19. Request of Royal Canadian Golf Association and The Riverside Country Club for City to co-sponsor Willingdon Cup Dinner for Canadian Amateur Golf Championships. 20. Request of N.B. Federation of Home and School Associations, Inc. for grant. 21. Letter from Harold E. Wright in support of naval reserve facility off Chesley Drive. 22. Request of Souvenir Programme Committee for 83rd Allan Cup Hockey Tournament for ad placement in souvenir programme. 23. Letter from Terence Johnston re regional exhibition centre/sportsplex. 24. Application of John and Verna Seale for re-zoning of 295 Millidge Avenue. 25. Request of Paul Hastings for permission for his mini-home to remain at 899 Old Black River Road. Page 2. COHMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at March 6, 1992. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 26. 6:30 p.m. _ Presentation by The Market Square Corporation re City Market. 27. 7:00 p.m. _ Presentation by Saint John Fire Fighters' Association of grievances (a) 92-3 re day off _ compassionate leave; (b) 92-4 re article 11, promotion and seniority; (c) 92-5 re constant manning; (d) 92-6 re article 7, 7:06, transfer of Lt. Beshara. 28. Nominating Committee report. 29. (a) Request of Margaret Hunter, Cafe Manager, Aquatic Centre "Poolside Cafe", to address Council re closure of Cafe. (b) Letter from Catherine Collins, Aquatic Centre employee, objecting to closure of Cafe. 30. Letter from City of Saint John Retired Members Association re transfer of funds between General Fund and Pension Fund. 31. Re Local Union No. 771 grievance 92-1 (City Solicitor). 32. Re appointment of Acting City Manager (City Manager). 33. Re letter from Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., concerning establishment list (City Manager). 34. Re Carleton Street land acquisition (City Manager). 35. Re purchase of street lights for Spruce Lake Industrial Park (City Manager). 36. Re Spruce Lake Watershed Designation Study (City Manager). 37. Re Loyalist Plaza cover for Festival By The Sea (City Manager). 38. City Manager's Information Items:- (a) Re senior staff out of town. (b) Re follow-up on potential infringement of vehicle policy. (c) Re development industry comments.