COHMON COUNCIL - as at February 7. 1992.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., February 10 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (February 3).
3. Mayor's remarks.
*3A. Re 3rd Field Artillery Regiment's Bicentennial in 1993 (Mayor Wayne). (VITHDRAWN)
4. Progress payment.
5. Payment of invoice of Corporate Research Associates for Market Positioning Study.
6. Report re tender for sweeper brooms.
7. Re appointment of members to Saint John Salvage Corps and Fire Police.
*8. Re Communications Centre for Fire and Police Departments. (VITHDRAWN)
9. Re reduction in Transit Commission's Bus Replacement Program for expenditure for
Cash Fare Box Replacement Program.
9A. Re encroachment at 407 Prince Street West.
*9B. Re Constable Richardson's leave of absence (City Solicitor).
*9C. Re detailed listing of expenditures (City Manager).
10. Re engagement and approval of payment for professional services.
11. Re application of Corporation 1906 Inc. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning
of 10 and 33 Magazine Street (public presentation January 6).
12. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 40 Adelaide Street, as
requested by Ambassador Glass Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given February 3).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above (1st & 2nd readings
given February 3).
13. Committee of the Whole report (February 3) - (1) re 1992 Police Establishment; (2)
re expropriation of lands for Thorne Avenue road improvements; (3) re acquisition of
land on Golden Grove Road; (4) re proposals for design of pedestrian link between
Mercantile Centre and Regional Exhibition Centre; (5) re sale of property on corner
of McAllister Drive and Lakewood Avenue West; (6) City Manager's report re Glen
Falls flood risk area; (7) re FCM Community Leaders Exchange Program.
14. Letter from Solicitor General re appointment of Mary Ann M. Rogers to Saint John
Board of Police Commissioners.
15. Invoice from Federation of Canadian Municipalities for membership fee.
16. Request of Mary Harding for financial assistance for Heidi Hanlon Curling Team.
17. Request of Jervis Bay (Memorial) Pipe Band for cultural grant sufficient to offset
cost of rental fee at Lily Lake Pavilion.
18. Request of Saint John Central Business Development Corporation for re-appointment of
Stephen Bedford to Board of Directors.
19. Letters from (a) Saint John Analytical Services Ltd.; (b) Trudy H. McAvity, re
Page 2.
COHMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at February 7, 1992.
20. 6:30 p.m. - Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority re budget.
20A. 6:45 p.m. - Presentation by Local No. 18. C.U.P.E.. of grievance 91-41.
21. 7:00 p.m. - Re Fundy SWAT disposal options.
22. Re pulp and paper industry (Mayor Wayne).
23. Request of Patrick J. Young to lease former Spuds and Stuff location on Rothesay
24. Re Constable Richardson's leave of absence (City Solicitor).
25. Re 9 Somerset Street (City Manager).
26. Re sale of fire lane at 630 Rothesay Avenue (City Manager).
27. Re sale of portion of Neptune Avenue (City Manager).
28. Re Community Workshops Report presented October 28. 1991 (City Manager).
29. Re detailed listing of expenditures (City Manager).
30. (a) Re vehicle policy (City Manager - tabled February 3).
31. Re establishment change (City Manager).
32. Re intergovernmental affairs (City Manager)
33. Re Commissioner of Management Services/job description (City Manager).
34. Re acquisition of Carleton Street property (City Solicitor).