COHMON COUNCIL - as at January 31, 1992.
..",eting called to order, 7: 00 P. m., February 3 - prayer.
l. Approval of minutes (January 27).
3. Mayor's remarks.
7:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A, a
parcel of land with an area of approximately 8000 square feet at 239
King Street West, from District Centre Commercial to Light Industrial
classification, to permit the expansion of the existing building
which will contain a food processing use, as requested by Lenwood
(b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same parcel of land
from "B-2" General Business to "1_1" Light Industrial classification.
(c) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments.
7:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A, a
lot located at 40 Adelaide Street, from High Density Residential to
District Centre Commercial classification, to permit the property to
be used for commercial purposes, with a glass installation business
proposing to use the existing building on the property, as requested
by Ambassador Glass Ltd.
(b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same lot from "RM-2"
High Rise Multiple Residential to "B-2" General Business
(c) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning.
7:00 p.m. - (a)
Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land located
at 927 Grandview Avenue from "RS-2" One- and Two-Family Suburban
Residential to "RM-1" Three-Storey Multiple Residential
classification, to permit the construction of a residential building
containing 41 efficiency units and one two-bedroom apartments, as
requested by Villa Ridge Construction Ltd.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment.
(c) Letters and petition in opposition to above proposal.
(d) Request of Villa Ridge Construction Ltd. to withdraw application.
7. 7:30 p.m. _ Khalid Mahmood Malik to appear to show cause why the building located at
467-469 Main Street should not be removed or destroyed as a deteriorated,
dilapidated and dangerous building.
7A. Re regionalization of services (Mayor Wayne).
8. Re former Howe's Lake dumpsite (Councillor Landers).
*8A. Appliation of Saint John Mercantile Centre Limited to amend conditions of zoning of
property, north side of Union Street.
*8B. Re cancellation of public hearing for re-zoning of properties of new Fire Station 15.
9. Re proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment for property at 87-89 Golden Grove Road, as
requested by Eugene O'Connor (public hearing held December 9 - tabled, no readings
given) (see also item #25).
10. Progress payments.
11. Report re tender for eel traps and screens.
12. Report re tender for work clothing.
13. Re administration and implementation of Upper Floor Grant Program.
Page 2.
COHMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at January 31, 1992.
14. Committee of the Whole report (January 27) - (1) re watershed designation study.
15. Environment Committee - 1991 Annual Report.
16. Saint John Parking Commission re December 30, 1991 complaint from Don Driscoll about
procedure for issuing parking tickets.
17. Request of N.B. Chapter of United Nations Association Of Canada for nominees for
International Women's Day Award of Merit.
18. Letter from Hunting Committee Chairman-New Brunswick Wildlife Federation re issue of
evicting Saint John Fish & Game Club from Lily Lake Pavilion.
19. FCM response to Council resolution to 1991 Annual Conference re bilateral air
20. Request of Saint John Central Business Development Corporation for representation on
proposed Program Management Committee to oversee Upper Floor Program.
21. Request of New Brunswick Anti-Poverty Association for membership on boards and
commissions of persons whose incomes are below poverty level.
22. Letter from Joan Parfitt re Regional Exhibition Centre.
23. Letter from Local Union 213 Plumbers and Pipefitters re appointment to Master Plumbers
Examining Board.
24. Letter from Saint John Fish & Game Association re relationship with City.
25. Letter from Erik Kraglund re proposed Zoning By-Law amendment, 87-89 Golden Grove Road.
26. 4:00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Parking Commission re 1992 budget.
27. 4:45 p.m. - Presentation re fire station design.
28. 5:00 n.m. - Presentation by Saint John City Hall Employees' Local 486, C.U.P.E., of
grievance 91-12.
29. 5:30 p.m. - Discussion with Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re Zed Arbitration
30. Re participation in Civic Delegates Committee of Canadian Parks and Recreation
Association (Councillor Coughlan).
31. Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority re budget fiscal year ending March 31, 1992.
32. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re 1992 Police Establishment.
33. Request of Constable John F. Richardson for Council's reconsideration of his leave of
absence under article 24:08(c) and (d) of the collective agreement.
34. Letter from Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, Local Union No. 771, I.A.F.F., re
centralization of dispatch.
35. Letter from RE/MAX Professionals (1989) Ltd. re property at intersection of Rothesay
Avenue and Russell Street.
36. Arbitration Award re Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., grievance concerning time off for Union
members attending shift evaluation committee meetings (City Solicitor).
37. Re Thorne Avenue widening (City Manager).
38. Re acquisition of land within Loch Lomond watershed (City Manager).
39. Re sale of portion of undeveloped street (City Manager).
40. Re extension of pedway system (City Manager).
41. Re land at McAllister Drive/Lakewood Avenue West (City Manager).
42. Re use of space on 15th floor, City Hall (City Manager).
43. Re property acquisition for new 15 Fire Station (City Manager).
44. Re Glen Falls flood risk area (City Manager).
45. Re FCM Community Leaders Exchange Program (City Manager).
46. Re vehicle policy (City Manager).
47. Re spending authority of City Manager (City Solicitor).