COMMON COUNCIL - as at October 4, 1991.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., October 7 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (September 30).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re regionalizing medical emergency services (Mayor Wayne).
5. Re parking for Canada Games Aquatic Centre (Councillor Rogers).
6. Payment of asphalt invoice.
7. Progress payment.
8. Re Market Square housing area landscape park.
9. Re watershed activities.
10. Report re tender for contract 91-29, Pokiok Road water and sewer renewal.
11. Re Lancaster Minor Hockey Association's letter on September 16 on pre-season ice
rental fees.
12. Letter from Louis E. Murphy, M.L.A., re railway crossing on Douglas Avenue near
Reversing Falls.
13. Application of Wm. P. Dowd & Sons Ltd. for Section 39 amendment re Somerset Street
14. 12:00 noon- Reports from (a) City Solicitor; (b) Commissioner of Finance; (c) City
Manager; (d) Commissioner of Finance, re Saint John Regional Exhibition
15. Re date for meeting (City Manager).
16. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by St. Peter's Parish.
17. Mayor's previous letter and memorandum from Provincial-Municipal Council Inc. re
proposed structure for New Brunswick municipalities (tabled September 3).
18. Re development process (Councillor Fitzpatrick).
19. Re Cherry Brook Zoo (Councillor Coughlan).
20. Letters from Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of grievances (a) 91-29; (b) 91-
21. Re Plumbing Inspector position (City Manager - tabled September 30).
22. Re acquisition of land on Tippetts Drive (City Manager - tabled September 30).
23. Re Peter Pappas H.I.D. grant application for 269 Princess Street (City Manager).
24. Re replacement of roof over Council Chamber (City Manager).
25. Re sale of land on Cedar Grove Crescent (City Manager).
26. Re flooding at Red Brick Tavern, Thorne Avenue (City Manager).
27. Re acquisition of land for replacement of 17 Fire Station (City Manager).
28. Re acquisition of land for replacement of 15 Fire Station (City Manager).
29. Re communication to boards and commissions (City Manager).
30. Re Saint John Trade and Convention Centre (City Manager).
31. Re Local No. 18 Labour-Management issue (City Manager).