1991-09-30_Agenda AGENDA COHMON COUNCIL - as at September 27, 1991. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 n.m., September 30 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (September 23). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to (1) redesignate on Schedule 2-A a parcel of land located at 25 Station Street and portions of the adjacent street system, from Restricted Industrial and High Density Residential to Central Area Commercial classification; (2) redesignate on Schedule 6-A the same area to Civic-Commercial classification; and (3) amend Policy statement 6.3.1 to insert the words "civic, entertainment, and recreational" after the word "commercial" so that the policy reads:- "To permit major concentrations of commercial, civic, entertainment and recreational facilities of a City-wide or regional significance elsewhere in the City only where it can be shown that the extent of facilities at the location intended will not be likely, when established, result in a decline in the economic viability, vigour and vitality of the Central Business District."; to place the site in an appropriate designation and add the appropriate policies for the development of the civic centre, and to permit the site to be re-zoned to "B-3" Central Business classification. 5. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by Tourism Committee of the Saint John Board of Trade of proposal for a bicycle path network. 6. Re National Peace Run '91 (Mayor Wayne). 7. Re flooding in City (Mayor Wayne). 8. Re intersection of Bleury and Sherbrooke Streets (Councillor F1ewwelling). *8A. Re tender for site preparation work for Regional Exhibition Centre. *8B. Re Dr. David Stephen Memorial Education Fund. CITY MANAGER 9. Payment of asphalt invoice. 10. Report re tender for highway salt. 11. Report re tender for contract 91-21, Main and Kennedy Streets water & sewer renewal. 12. Report re tender for contract 91-23, Haymarket Square, Old Black River Road and Saint Catherine Street sewer renewal. 13. Re public tendering. 14. Re application of Strescon Limited for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 101 Ashburn Road. 14A. Re Rockwood Park farm trailer. 15. Letter from Chief of Police re grant request of Saint John & Western District Crime Stoppers. COMMITTEES 16. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Reid Chedore "In Trust" for amendment to Section 39 conditions re Old General Hospital property, 189 Waterloo Street (public hearing held September 16 - tabled - see also item 119). 17. Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision and money in lieu of land for public purposes, 353 Dwyer Road. 18. Environment Committee re proposed Black Beach Headlands Park Project. GENERAL 19. (a) Request of W. S. Reid Chedore to address Council re proposal for Old General Hospital Complex. (b) Request of Dennis Weaver to address any new or modified information presented re above. 20. Application of Robert R. & Shirley R. Thorne for re-zoning of 1770 Sand Cove Road. 21. Application of Mrs. Marie Foote for re-zoning of 212-214 Pitt Street. 22. Application of James Lawrence Adams for re-zoning of 92 Mallette Road. 23. Letter from Peter Pappas re H.I.D. application 90-5 for 269 Princess Street. COHHITTEE OF THE VHOLE - 4:00 p.m. 24. 4:00 p.m. _ Presentation by The Market Square Corporation re Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre. 25. 4:45 p.m. - Presentation by Fundy SWAT re progress of activities. 26. 5:30 p.m. _ Presentation by Preservation Review Board and Michael R. Richard, Architect, of Douglas Avenue Heritage Management Plan Study. 27. Re forthcoming Provincial-Municipal Council Conference (Mayor Wayne). 28. Re economic development (Mayor Wayne). 29. Re Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre (City Solicitor). 30. Re Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre (Commissioner of Finance). 30A. Re Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre (City Manager). 31. Re 1992 budget process (City Manager - tabled September 16). 32. Re program-based capital budget (City Manager). 33. Re communication on budget process to boards and commissions (City Manager). 34. Update on Saint John Airport (City Manager). 35. Re August 6 complaint about dog barking in Clark Road area (City Manager). 36. Re Thomas Construction performance bond (City Manager). 37. Re Sidewalk By-Law (City Manager). 38. Re Plumbing Inspector position (City Manager). 39. Re development process (City Manager). 40. Re acquisition of land on Tippetts Drive (City Manager). 41. Re proposed meeting (City Manager). LEGAL SESSION 42. Re Utility accounts (City Manager).