1991-09-09_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at September 6, 1991. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 o.m., September 9 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (Tuesday, September 3). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re request for letter of greeting in Shriner's Yearbook (Mayor Wayne). CITY MANAGER 5. Payment of asphalt invoice. 6. Report re tender for alarm system. 7. Report re tender for contract 91-26, Gault Road reconstruction 1991. 8. Report re tender for fume extraction system. 9. Report re tender for metal roofing and siding. 10. Report re tender for survey equipment. 11. Report re tender for tanker/pumper. 12. Re removal of contaminated soil at West fuel facility. 13. Re proposed Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of Deans Hill (see also item 119) . 14. Progress payment. 15. Re motorized equipment sale. 16. Re Spruce Lake Industrial Park new water tank reservoir. 17. Report re tender for contract 91-5, Canon Street retaining wall construction. 18. Re September 3 grant request of Sherry Cunningham. COMMON CLERK 19. Re application of Malcolm A. E. Thorne, Douglas W. Thorne and Thorcor Holdings Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of property on Main Street, Douglas Avenue, Chesley Drive (public presentation made August 6). 20. Re application of Strescon Limited for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 101 Ashburn Lake Road (public presentation made August 6). COMMITTEES 21. Committee of the Whole report (September 3) - (1) re acquisition of land on Celebration Street; (2) re lease of Murder Hill; (3) re rental of 34 Champlain Drive; (4) re placement of plaque in Old Provincial building; (5) re acquisition of land on Gault Road; (6) re fire lane behind 632 Rothesay Avenue; (7) re Spruce Lake landfill; (8) re reallocation of funding for West Works facility. GENERAL 22. Letter from Kennebecasis Obedience Club in support of by-law for pet shops. 23. Letter from Esso Petroleum Canada responding to queries at September 3 Council meeting. 24. Application of Flash Muffler Ltd. for Section 39 amendment re 184 Main Street. 25. Letter from P. Tippett re proposed Airport industrial park on City water supply. Page 2. COHMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at September 6, 1991. COHMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 26. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re terms of reference for Police Station Study (see also item 130). 27. Re request of Saint John Children's Literature Roundtable for grant. 28. Re request of AIDS Saint John Inc. for grant. 29. Letter from Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of grievance re transfers. 3p. Report of City Hall Review Committee (City Manager). 31. Re sale of land on Cedar Grove Crescent (City Manager). 32. Re sign on Lipton Tea building (City Manager). 33. Re transfer of land to Harbour Bridge Authority (City Manager). 34. Re H.l.D. application for 381 Lancaster Street (City Manager). 35. Re collective bargaining (City Manager). 36. Re Local 18 grievances previously submitted to Council (City Manager). 37. Re Deputy Market Clerk position (City Manager). 38. Re Market Square housing area landscape park (City Manager). 39. Re Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre (City Manager).