COHMON COUNCIL - as at August 2, 1991.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 6 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (July 22).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 133 Courtenay Avenue,
from "R-2" One- and Two-Family Residential to "RM-l" Three-Storey
Multiple Residential classification, to permit the existing use of
the land as a daycare centre to continue without a residential use
on the site, as requested by Diana Young.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning.
5. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate
on Schedule 2-A some or all of the following properties, which in total
cover an area of approximately 8.7 acres, from Medium Density
Residential to District Centre Commercial classification: 354 Main
Street, 24-26 Douglas Avenue, 28 Douglas Avenue, 36 Douglas Avenue, 50
Douglas Avenue, 56 Douglas Avenue, 60 Douglas Avenue, 80 Douglas Avenue,
Chesley Drive and Main Street, to permit the adoption of a specific
proposal using the "ID" Integrated Development Zone which would include
an office building, retail space, indoor and surface parking, apartment
building and urban inn, as requested by Malcolm A. E. Thorne, Douglas W.
Thorne and Thorcor Holdings Ltd.
6. 7:00 p.m. - Public presentation of a proposed Municipal Plan amendment to
redesignate on Schedule 2-A an area of land at 101 Ashburn Lake Road,
from Open Space to Heavy Industrial classification, to permit a portion
of the above-noted lands to be re-zoned from lip" Park to "1_2" Heavy
Industrial classification, in order to permit the quarrying of rock, as
requested by Strescon Limited.
7. Re request of Christian Children's Fund of Canada for donation to assistance
Bangladesh (Mayor Wayne).
7A. Re chemical spraying (Mayor Wayne).
8. Re use of insecticides and weed killers within City limits (Councillor Landers).
9. Re Marlborough Avenue access onto Rothesay Avenue (Councillor A. Vincent).
10. Payment of asphalt invoices.
11. Report re tender for miscellaneous renovations, Adelaide Street maintenance
12. Report re tender for mechanical renovations.
13. Report re tender for playground equipment.
14. Report re tender for stump cutter.
15. Report re tender for tandem truck.
16. Report re tender for topsoil.
17. Report re tender for contract 91-14, Hilyard Street reconstruction.
18. Report re tender for contract 91-17, Cranston Avenue water and sewer construction.
19. Report re tender for contract 91-18, chipsealing 1991.
20. Re amended Section 39 conditions 51-57 Union Street (George Street site).
21. Re tender for auctioneering services.
22. Re cancellation of Norman Wasson warrant, Saint John Salvage Corps and Fire Police.
23. Re July 15 request of Port City Keglers for grant.
24. Re July 22 request of Central Business Development Corporation for endorsement of
grant application.
25. Re gymnasium and community centre at M. Gerald Teed School.
26. Re surety bond for rehabilitation of gravel pit at 1003 Latimer Lake Road.
27. Re 1990 application for amendment to Section 39 agreement with Tritor Developments
Limited for gas bar proposal.
28. Third reading of proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment re Chubb Street, Morgan's
Alley and Logan's Alley (1st & 2nd readings July 22).
Page 2.
COHMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at August 2, 1991.
29. Committee of the Whole report (June 24) - (1 & 2) Nominating Committee
30. Committee of the Whole report (July 15) - (1) re request for closure of Jack Street
and for City to acquire property on Mount Pleasant Avenue; (2) re acquisition of
property on Golden Grove Road; (3) re Ocean Hawk II Tug; (4) re City Manager's
report on capital budget issues with respect to 1991 Water and Sewerage Utility; (5)
re Fire Station Number 7; (6) re proposal for job evaluation of
managerial/professional positions; (7) re lease of Bays 32-35 in Shed 13; (8) re
agreement with Saint John Fire Fighters Association to occupy space at 24 Sydney
Street for Fire Fighters Museum; (9) re extension of start date for H.I.D. projects
at 269 Princess Street and 248 Prince William Street; (10) re David Baird's
continued leave of absence; (11) re Marketing Positioning Study in conjunction with
Uptown Strategy.
31. Committee of the Whole report (July 22) - (1) re Sites E and F, Chesley Drive; (2)
re purchase of 1141 Lorneville Road; (3) re Working Group on Multiculturalism and
Race Relations.
32. The Power Commission of The City of Saint John - 1990 Annual Report.
33. Planning Advisory Committee re assent to subdivision plan for utility easement,
Stinson Drive.
34. Planning Advisory Committee re attendance record.
35. Letter from National Access Awareness Week Five-Star Selection Committee re 1991
Five-Star Community Awards.
36. Request of Council of the Corporation of the City of Nepean for support of
resolution re Air India Flight 182 Disaster.
37. Letter from solicitor for Thomas Construction Ltd. re surety bond for 1003 Latimore
Lake Road.
38. Application of Reid Chedore "In Trust" for amendment to Section 39 agreement re Old
General Hospital property, 189 Waterloo Street.
39. Application of Philip E. Kierstead for Section 39 amendment re 931 Rothesay Road.
40. Application of Westburne Industrial Enterprises Ltd. for Section 39 amendment re 600
Main Street, Building D.
41. Application of Highmeadow Holdings Inc. for Section 39 amendment re Highmeadow Park
42. Notice from Liquor Licensing Board re hearing of application of Ells Enterprises
Ltd. for a dining room and lounge license for premises at McAllister Place.
43. 4:00 p.m. - Discussion with The Power Commission of The City of Saint John.
44. 4:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association of
grievance 91-1295-3-U-44.
45. Letter from St. Paul's Valley Church re purchase of property.
46. Letter from Robert and Linda Craft re 178 Rodney Street West.
47. Letter from Raymond LeBlanc re neighbourhood dogs.
47A. Letter from MacKnight Motors Ltd. re legal action.
48. Re Joint Forces Operation agreement (Chief of Police).
49. Re update on status of various matters (City Manager).
50. Departmental report - Minimum Property Standards Program.
51. Re enforcement of Section 39 resolutions and Section 39 and 101 agreements (City
Manager) .
52. Reports re (a) construction management; (b) Municipal Development Plan conformity;
(c) acquisition of properties - Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre (City
Manager) .
53. Re 381 Lancaster Avenue (City Manager).
54. Re access to municipal services easement regarding Mercantile Centre (City Manager).
55. Re Saint John Fundy Swim Club (City Manager).
56. Re FCM 1991 Annual Board of Directors meeting (City Manager).
57. Re Spruce Lake Industrial Park (City Manager).
58. Re hazardous materials (City Manager).
59. Re City-owned lands McAllister Drive/Lakewood Avenue West (City Manager).
60. Re highways (City Manager).
61. Re March 25 request for payment of legal fees (City Solicitor).