COHMON COUNCIL - as at July 5, 1991.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., July 8 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (June 24).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 1439 Loch Lomond Road,
from "R-2" One- and Two-Family Residential to "RM-l" Three-Storey
Multiple Residential classification, to permit development of
multiple unit residential buildings; the initial proposal being a
building containing six dwelling units with off-street parking and
landscaped areas, and the second phase of development to see the
construction of another six-unit residential building, as
requested by Ron Ferguson.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning.
5. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone 2400 Ocean Westway,
from "RS-2" One- and Two-Family Suburban Residential to "RF" Rural
classification, to permit the land to be used as an access by
trucks carrying excavated rock from a quarry located on an
adjoining parcel of land without road frontage, as requested by
Galbraith Construction Limited.
(b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed re-zoning.
(c) Petition and letters in opposition to proposed re-zoning.
6. 7:45 p.m. - Presentation on behalf of CUPE Local 3102 - Revenue Properties Co. Ltd.
employees, re proposed layoff of staff working at City Hall.
7. Re request of Ex-Servicewomen's Reunion Committee, The Royal Canadian Legion, Fundy
Branch No. 68, for donation (Mayor Wayne).
8. Re cracks between sidewalk bricks (Councillor Landers).
*8A. Re meeting with Cedar Grove and Second Street residents re tree removals.
*8B. Re Saint John-Bangor Sister City meetings.
*8C. Report re tender for computer cabling.
*8D. Re amending waterslide agreement, Rockwood Park.
*8E. Re establishment change, Supply and Services Department.
9. Payment of asphalt invoice.
10. Progress payment.
11. Maintenance agreement for Provincial highways.
12. Re request to place mobile home at 283 Hawthorne Avenue Extension (see also item
133) .
13. Re request to permanently locate mobile home at 960 Old Black River Road.
14. Report re tender for automotive batteries.
15. Report re tender for turn-out clothing for Fire Department.
16. Report re tender for contract 91-9, sewage pump station.
17. Report re tender for contract 91-13, water and sewer renewal City Line and Woodville
18. Re proposed Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of City right-of-way adjacent to
Strescon Ltd. lands on Saint John Throughway.
19. Re Loyalist City Towing Ltd.'s application for Municipal Plan amendment and re-
zoning of 365 Ashburn Road (see also item 121).
20. Re Thorcor development, Douglas Avenue/Main Street/Chesley Drive.
20A. Re parking on Wright Street.
21. (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment re Ashburn Road property, as requested by
Loyalist City Towing Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given February 18 public hearing).
(b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above property (1st & 2nd readings given
February 18).
22. Re application of Denis Frechette for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 3170
Golden Grove Road (public presentation May 27).
23. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 1770 Rothesay Road, as
requested by St. James The Less Church Corporation (1st & 2nd readings given June
24) .
24. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 292-294 Duke Street West, as
requested by Justin J. Keddy (1st & 2nd readings given June 24).
25. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 38 Coburg Street, as requested
by Joe and Rhoda Boyce (1st & 2nd readings given June 24).
26. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 53 Union Street and recently-
closed George Street, as requested by Saint John Mercantile Centre Limited (1st &
2nd readings given June 24).
Page 2.
COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at July 5. 1991.
27. Committee of the Whole report (June 17) - (1) proposed amendment to agreement with
Thorcor re Sites E and F, Chesley Drive; (2) re regional exhibition centre.
28. Committee of the Whole report (June 24) - (1) re entrance way concept plan for
Rockwood Park; (2) re extension of ADI Limited's terms of reference re entrance way
for Rockwood Park; (3) Nominating Committee recommendation; (4) re sale of freehold
interest at 117 Lancaster Street and 289 1/2 Guilford Street; (5) re George
Robertson's request for children's garden at 147-155 Queen Street; (6) re 134 Sydney
Street; (7) re "A View Of The City" report by Environmental Consultation Committee.
29. Saint John Parking Commission - 1990 Annual Report.
30. Environment Committee - re by-law to control smoking in public places.
31. Environment Committee - re Committee membership.
32. Planning Advisory Committee re vesting of street Main Street and Chesley Drive.
33. Letter from Eric Cannon in favour of mobile home placement on Hawthorne Avenue
34. Letter from A-I Auctioneers and Evaluation Services Ltd. re Police and City
35. Letter from Engineers Wives Association of Saint John in support of Marco Polo
Proj ect.
36. Application of Canadian Broadcasting Corporation for amendment to Section 39
conditions of re-zoning of 560 Main Street.
37. Petition requesting demolition of building at 124 Victoria Street.
38. Memo from Saint John Regional Library re 1991-92 salary reserve reduction.
39. Letter from Michael Basha re promotion of Saint John in United States by visit of
U.S. Aircraft Carrier.
40. Request of Marliene Trumbley to address Council re Ropewalk Road truck problem.
41. Request of Belfast Children's Vacation - Saint John Inc. for donation.
42. 4:00 D.m. -Re priorities for highway construction.
43. 4:15 p.m. -Discussion with Saint John Parking Commission.
44. 4:30 p.m. -Presentation re Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre.
45. 5:30 D.m. -Teach-in re Spruce Lake landfill site.
46. Letter from four C1V1C unions re Expenditure Management Act.
47. Re Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., ~rievance 91-1295-3-U-43 (tabled June 24 _ City
Solicitor) .
48. Re judicial review of arbitration award re Local No. 61 grievance 90-1295-3-U-34
(City Solicitor).
49. Re architectural services for design of new fire station (City Manager).
50. Re Mercantile Centre pedestrian link (City Manager).
51. Re request of Wright Street Housing Co-Operative for closure and sale of Jack Street
and purchase of land on Mount Pleasant Avenue (City Manager).
52. Re acquisition of land within Loch Lomond watershed (City Manager).
53. Re Ocean Hawk II (City Manager).
54. Re regional civic centre (City Manager).
55. Re job evaluation management/professional positions (City Manager).
56. Re capital budget issues, 1991 Water and Sewerage Utility (City Manager).
57. Re Saint John Regional Exhibition Centre agreement (City Manager).
58. Re Saint John Harbour Environmental Quality and Wastewater Treatment Strategy (City
Manager) .
59. Re District 12 Fire Study (City Manager).
60. Re Deputy City Manager (City Manager).
61. Re establishment change Supply and Services (City Manager).
62. 8:30 p.m. - Discussion with Saint John Aquatic Centre Commission re competitive
63. Re Brookvi1le Manufacturing (City Solicitor).