COMMON COUNCIL - as at June 14, 1991.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., June 17 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (June 10).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re New Brunswick Day (Mayor Wayne).
*4A. Copy of City's Brief to Premiers Round Table On Environment & Economy.
5. Re junction of Manchester Avenue and Manawagonish Road (Councillor Flewwelling).
*5A. Report re Fundy S.W.A.T. Team meetings.
*5B. Report re Fundy S.W.A.T. Team meetings.
*5C. Invitation from Saint John Trojans Rugby Club re free tree program.
*5D. Invitation to official Saint John opening of International Gathering of the Irish.
*5E. Copy of letter to Mayor of Fredericton re Community Planning Act.
*5F. Re Rockwood Park Golf Course (Acting City Manager).
*5G. Re ownership of land on Fallsview Avenue (Acting City Manager).
*5H. Re drainage problem at Glenwood Park (Acting City Manager).
6. Payment of asphalt invoice.
7. Progress payment.
8. Report re tender for Phase II, No.1 Fire Station.
9. Re left-turn traffic restrictions at service stations.
10. Re development activity - Red Head Road area.
11. Re paddle boat operation at Lily Lake.
12. Re truck traffic on Harding Street West.
13. Re purchase order for light standard relocation, Hilyard Street.
14. Re traffic at intersection of Sand Cove Road and Bleury Street.
15. Re application of Transport Canada - Saint John Airport for Municipal Plan amendment
and re-zoning of Saint John Airport (public presentation made May 13).
16. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 391 Lancaster Avenue, as
requested by Welby Holdings Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given June 10).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above property (1st & 2nd
readings given June 10).
17. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re land on Allingham Crescent (1st
& 2nd readings given June 10).
18. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 165-167 Loch Lomond Road, as
requested by Loch Lomond Villa Inc. (1st & 2nd readings given June 10).
19. Committee of the Whole report (June 10) - (1) re 40th Annual Atlantic Association of
Chiefs of Police, and 1999 Conference; (2) re land on Fallsview Avenue; (3) re lease
to Cones Ice Cream Company Ltd.; (4) re land on Eldersley Avenue; (5) re Community
Recreation and Open Spaces Strategy study terms of reference.
20. Master Plumbers Examining Board re issuance of license for George Freeze.
21. Letter from Anderson Architect Limited re fire stations proposal.
22. Letter from Wright Street Housing Co-Operative re parking on Wright Street and
surrounding area.
23. Letter from Atlantic Chapter of Canadian Society for Nondestructive Testing, Inc.,
in support of Marco Polo project.
24. Letter from Eric L. Teed re promotion of Saint John at Provincial Tourist Bureau,
New Brunswick/Quebec border.
25. Request of PRUDE Inc. for waiver of rental fees for City Market space.
26. Request of Saint John High School Class of '41 Reunion for grant to offset rental
fee of Lily Lake Pavilion.
27. 6:30 p.m. - Discussion with Saint John Representatives of The International
Gathering of the Irish.
28. 7:00 p.m. - Presentation by Romero House Soup Kitchen re building fund.
29. 7:30 p.m. - Presentation by consultants re regional exhibition centre.
30. Re concern about treatment of animals in circuses (Mayor Wayne).
31. Re Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., grievance 91-1295-3-1-35 (Chief of Police).
32. Re change in holiday schedules, Saint John Police Force member grievances 91-36 and
91-39, tabled May 13 (Chief of Police).
33. Re Noise By-Law (City Solicitor).
34. Re November 5, 1990 Environment Committee presentation (Acting City Manager).
35. Re Environmental Consultation Committee report "A View Of The City" (Acting City
Manager) .
36. Re DeMille Street sewer problems (Acting City Manager).
37. Re water consumption billings to NB Power (Acting City Manager).
38. Re Sites E and F, Chesley Drive (Acting City Manager).
39. Re Saint John Jeux Canada Games Foundation, Inc. (Acting City Manager).