COMMON COUNCIL - as at April 19, 1991.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., April 22 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (April 15).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re Ocean Hawk tugboat in Market Slip (Mayor Yayne).
5. Re pulp and paper regulatory package (Mayor Yayne).
6. Re Six Cities of New Brunswick Association meeting, May 10-11 (Mayor Yayne).
7. Re Bayshore Beach organizational public meeting (Mayor Yayne).
8. Re elected officials on Pension Board (Mayor Yayne).
*8A. Letter from Arbor Day Committee re activities at local schools.
*8B. Copy of letter from Saint John Fish & Game Protective Association re Lily Lake
*8C. Re tree replacement (City Manager).
*8D. Four quarter report of Fundy Region Development Commission Inc.
9. Payment of invoice.
10. Re invoice for technical services, Spruce Lake landfill.
11. Report re tender for purchase of backhoe.
12. Re utilization of trust funds.
13. Re Assistant By-Law Enforcement Officer.
14. Re April 2 request for stop sign in vicinity of Fort Howe Apartments.
15. Re surety bond for the rehabilitation of gravel pit at 491 Bayside Drive.
16. Re surety bond for the rehabilitation of gravel pit at 913 Latimer Lake Road.
17. Re application of Yilliam J. and Jessie E. Howe for Municipal Plan amendment and re-
zoning of 136 Rockcliff Street (public presentation March 18).
18. Committee of the Yhole report (April 15) - (1) re NBEPC transmission line, Prince of
Ya1es; (2) re lease of land near Rockland Road; (3) re Recreation and Parks Advisory
Board terms of reference; (4) re grant to Saint John Kiwanis Club; (5) re joint
community promotion campaign with Board of Trade.
19. Environment Committee re presentation by Lorneville Ratepayers about land fill site.
20. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan - 1990 Annual Report.
21. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re retirement of Alice
22. Preservation Review Board re Upper Floor Grant Program Study.
23. Request of Nurses Association of New Brunswick for grant re Biennial meeting.
24. Letter from Brunswick Drive Hi-Rise Rec. Club re reduction of VON services.
25. Request of Charles Yyman Creaser for license to operate Horse Drawn Vehicle
Transportation Company in City.
26. Request of Susan Dean to permanently place mobile home on Old Black River Road
27. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., of grievances (a) 91-4;
(b) 91-5; (c) 91-12.
28. 7:00 p.m. - Re Marco Polo project.
29. Re Spruce Lake landfill (Mayor Yayne).
30. Re Regional Exhibition Centre.
31. Copy of letter from Deputy Minister of Labour to Peter T. Zed re arbitration board
between City and Local No. 61, C.U.P.E.
32. Re Acamac Backland Road (City Solicitor).
33. Re request to purchase Castle Street land (Acting City Manager).
34. Re April 17 work stoppage (Acting City Manager).
35. Re 92 St. James Street (Acting City Manager).
36. Re 1141 Lorneville Road (Acting City Manager).
37. Re Old General Hospital (Acting City Manager).
38. Re January 21 request of Saint George's Society for street naming (Acting City
Manager) .
39. Re Parks' involvement in assisting The New Brunswick Museum (Acting City Manager).
40. Re Provincial budget update (Acting City Manager).
41. Re Sites E and F, Chesley Drive (Acting City Manager).