COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 22, 1991.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., February 25 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (February 18).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Progress payments.
5. Report re tender for electrical maintenance, water and sewerage facilities.
6. Report re tender for plumbing services, non-owned City properties.
7. Report re tender for work boots.
8. Report re tender for sweeper brooms.
9. Report re tender for motorized equipment.
10. Report re tender for motor grades.
11. Re January 7 petition concerning name of Woodlawn Park and Harbourview Subdivisions.
12. Re February 18 letter concerning snowplowing at 452 Milford Road.
13. (a) & (b) Re suggested resolutions for submission to FCM Conference.
-14. Response from Chief of Police to December 27 Council resolution re complaint about taxi
15. (a) Third reading of proposed Municipal Plan amendment re 100 Kierstead Road, as
requested by Maurice F. and Rose M. Muir and R. Jeffrey Muir (1st & 2nd readings given
February 18).
(b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re above property (1st & 2nd
readings given February 18).
16. Third reading of proposed re-zoning of 257 Westmorland Road, as requested by Jamie
Bastarache & Jean Peters (1st & 2nd readings given February 18).
17. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 28 Water Street, as requested by
Andrew C. Leonard (1st & 2nd readings given February 18).
18. Committee of the Whole report (February 18) - (1) re PARTICIPaction Challenge; (2) re
procedure for grants; (3) re offer to purchase Moore Street lots; (4) re Ross Memorial
Park; (5) re lease of land at Courtenay Place: (6) re grant to Canadian Dietetic
Association; (7) re grant to Appraisal Institute of Canada, (7) re grant to New
Brunswick Lung Association.
19. Letter from J.D. Irving, Limited re proposed Federal pulp and paper regulations.
20. Letter from Saint John Central Business Development Corporation re Council's appointee
to the Board.
21. Letter from Hal Williams relinquishing appointment as Town Crier.
22. Application of Daly's Stop & Shop for re-zoning of 1506 Loch Lomond Road.
23. Application of Scott Bros. Ltd. for re-zoning of 1709 Hickey Road.
24. Request of Saint John Hearing Society Inc. for letter of support for Pilot Project.
25. Response from Solicitor General of Canada to November 26, 1990 Council resolution re
Parrtown Correctional Centre.
26. Letter from The Saint John District Labour Council re assignment of City Manger's
27. Letter from The Saint John District Labour Council re comments made about City
employees on disability pensions.
28. 6:30 p.m. _ Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No.
61, C.U.P.E., of member grievances (a) 90-65, 90-66, 90-68, 90-69, 90-71,
90-72, 90-73, 90-74, 90-76, 90-78, 90-79, 90-81, 90-82, 90-83, 90-84, 90-
86 and 90-87: and (b) 90-67; (c) 90-75: (d) 90-77; (e) 90-80; (f) 90-85.
29. Re City Manager's position (Councillor Fitzpatrick).
30. Re land on Damascus Road (Acting City Manager).
31. Re 97 Prince Edward Street (Acting City Manager).
32. Re easement for NB Tel on Churchland Road (Acting City Manager).
33. Re encroachment on City land on Eldersley Avenue (Acting City Manager).
34. Re 9 Somerset Street (Acting City Manager).
35. Re CPR Spur between Fairville Boulevard and Throughway (Acting City Manager).
36. Re nominee to arbitration of Local No. 18 grievances 90-51 and 91-1 (Acting City
Manager) .
37. Re Managers of Municipal Operations (Acting City Manager).
38. Re Saint John Tomorrow Committee (Acting City Manager).
39. Re terms of reference - Recreation and Parks Advisory Board (City Solicitor).