COMMON COUNCIL - as at December 21, 1990.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., Thursday, December 27 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (December 17).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re request of Saint John Board of Trade for City's participation in joint community
promotion campaign (Mayor Wayne).
5. Re FCM's agreement with Minister of Finance on three conditions for final acceptance
of proposed rebate of municipal GST costs (Mayor Wayne).
6. Re request of Kinsmen National President for placement of message of support in
special 71st anniversary of KIN Magazine (Mayor Wayne).
7. Re request of Fundy Region Development Commission Inc. for 4% increase in municipal
contributions (Mayor Wayne).
8. Re letter from Troy Harnish concerning taxi industry (Mayor Wayne).
9. Re Provincial energy policy (Mayor Wayne).
.*9A. Re Rockwood Park Pavilion (Councillor Rogers). (withdrawn)
9B. Re Canada Cup I National Speedskating Meet; N.B. Outdoor Speedskating Championship
and Charles I. Gorman Memorial Re-enactment (Councillor M. Vincent).
*9C. Re repurchase option, 9 Somerset Street.
10. Progress payment.
11. Report re tender for demolition or removal of former RCMP Caretaker's Quarters, 301
Douglas Avenue.
12. Report re tender for equipment.
13. Re purchase of photocopier.
14. Third reading of proposed By-Law re Equipment Depreciation Trust Fund (1st & 2nd
readings given December 17).
15. Committee of the Whole report (November 13) - (1) re Saint John Region-Tomorrow
Committee membership and Economic Development Advisory Board.
16. Committee of the Whole report (December 10) - (1) re 1313 Sandy Point Road (see also
item 126).
17. Committee of the Whole report (December 17) - (1) re license for encroachment on
property adjacent to 670 Sand Cove Road; (2) re acceptance of title to Golden Grove
Road land from Province; (3) re acquisition of land on Stevens and Victoria Roads;
(4) re air service; (5 & 6) re merit increments.
18. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re retirement of Robert E.
19. Rockwood Park Advisory Board opposing housing development on Park land.
20. Letter from Allan D. Horsman re previous letter concerning fluoridation.
21. Letter from William Reynolds re previous request for plowing of Lime Kiln Road.
22. Letter of resignation from Stephen R. Clayden as member of Arbor Day Committee.
23. Request of The Saint John Association for Community Living Inc. for donation of use
of the 16 City ballfields for 6th Annual Slo-Pitch Sno-Ball Tournament.
24. Letter from solicitors for Atlantic Wholesalers Ltd., operators of Superstore Mall,
re possible Sunday opening of McAllister Place Mall.
25. Letter from solicitors for B.L.E.U. Non-Profit Housing Inc. re extension of option
on property purchase.
26. Request of Trevor Morris to address Council re 1313 Sandy Point Road.
27. (a) & (b) Reports re 9 Somerset Street (City Solicitor & City Manager).