1990-10-09_Agenda AGENDA COMMON COUNCIL - as at October 5. 1990. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 9 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (October 1). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re convening Council meetings within various sectors of community (Councillor Coughlan) . *4A. Saint John Regional Library 1989-1990 annual report. CITY MANAGER 5. Payment of invoices. 6. Proposed Traffic By-Law amendment re parking on Cliff Street. 7. Report re tender for interior renovations, Works Garage - West. 8. Report re tender for demolition of two camps and out buildings at Third Loch Lomond. 9. Report re tender for contract 90-28, Main Street road upgrading. 10. Re 1990 bond issue. 11. Report re tender for contract 90-30, Stinson Drive, Spruce Lake Industrial Park. 12. Re surety bond for rehabilitation of gravel pit at 873 Hillcrest Road. 13. Re application of Blair Construction Limited 152-156 Westmorland Road 14. Re application of Clearview Mobile Homes Ltd. for re-zoning of 21 Marlborough Avenue (public hearing May 7; 1st & 2nd readings given July 9 - see also item #15). COMMON CLERK 15. (a) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 21 Marlborough Avenue, as requested by Clearview Mobile Homes Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given July 9). (b) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment re Section 130(1)(b) (1st & 2nd readings given July 9). (c) Third reading of proposed Mobile Home Parks By-Law (1st & 2nd readings given July 9). 16. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 119 Millidge Avenue, as requested by Baxter Foods Limited (1st & 2nd readings October 1). 17. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re 53-59 Pitt Street, as requested by Barbara McCarthy (1st & 2nd readings given October 1). COMMITTEES 18. Committee of the Whole report (October 1) - (1) Board of Police Commissioners recommendation re Police management salaries; (2) re arbitration of Local No. 18 grievances 90-26 and 90-33; (3) re Saint John Tourism Advisory Commission/Hospitality Saint John; (4) sale of closed portion of fire lane Belmont/Topeka Streets; (5) re offer to sell 183 Carmarthen Street to City; (6) re grant request of Ladies Auxiliary YM-YWCA. 19. The City of Saint John Environment Committee re funding for study by Dr. R. Bevridge. GENERAL 20. Letter from John Baird re Council re March 26 Council resolution prescribing standards to operation of salvage yard, 120 Point Road. 21. Request of Larry Neal for approval to build porch at 407 Prince Street West. 22. Application of Patrick and Mary Mahoney for re-zoning of 186-188 King Street East. 23. Application of Brunswick Data Inc. for amendment to Section 39 re-zoning of property Chesley Drive/Bentley Street. 24. Response of Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority to August 20 Council resolution. 25. Letter from West Side Preservation & Development Association re dogs in Queen and Tilley Squares. 26. Request of Orange Street Preservation Committee for placement of underground wiring in 1991- 27. Request of Cheryl Campbell for extension of permit to place mobile home on Lorneville Road property. 28. Application of Rosamond I. Mooney for re-zoning of 36 Coburg Street. 29. Letter from Joan A. Kennedy re suggestion for housing in Rockwood Park. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 30. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Fire Fighters' Association, Local Union No. 771, I.A.F.F., of Union grievance 90-1. 31. 7:00 p.m. - Presentation by Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., of grievance 90-17 on behalf of Michael VanMalsen. 32. Re New Brunswick Scenic Roads Program (Mayor Wayne). 33. Re Local Union 771, I.A.F.F. (Councillor Fitzpatrick). 34. Re economic development strategy (Councillor Coughlan). 35. Letters from Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., re arbitration of grievances 90-34 and 90-35. 36. Letter from Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., re City vehicles. 37. Letter from Local Union 771, I.A.F.F., re constant manning. 38. Letter from Fundy SWAT re recycling program. 39. Request of The Salvation Army for 1991 grant. 40. Re hours of duty and civilianization of Police Force (City Manager).