1990-05-07_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at May 4, 1990. 1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., May 7 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (Apri130). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 9-A, from Stage One to Unstaged classification, a 5.5 acre parcel of land located at 881 Sand Cove Road for the reason that, as the Municipal Plan requires most development in the Stage One area to be serviced with central water and sewer services, the proposed amendment to designate the property Unstaged will permit the subdivision of the property into 5 lots which will have additional on-site sewage disposal facilities, as requested by Dr. P. W. Chase Professional Corporation. (b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. (c) Letter and petition from area residents in support of above proposal, and letter from solicitor for applicant. 5. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A a parcel of land at 167 Bayside Drive, from Low Density Residential to District Centre Commercial classification, to permit development of an office building, as requested by John Walker Insurance Ltd. (b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same parcel of land from "R-2" One- and Two-Family Residential to "B-2" General Business classification. (c) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments. 6. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A a parcel of land at 147-149 Bayside Drive, from Low Density Residential to District Centre Commercial classification, to permit the continued use of the property for a drapery shop, as requested by Joseph and Cathy Gould. (b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same parcel of land from "R-2" One- and Two-Family Residential to "B-2" General Business classification. (c) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 7. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment to add "dwelling unit" to the list of permitted uses in Section 410 Neighbourhood Institutional (IL-1) zone, to permit a dwelling unit to be located on the same site as other permitted institutional uses; such amendment initially to permit a dwelling unit to be erected at 358 Charlotte Street West next to a special care home, as requested by Raymond Gagnon. (b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 8. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed amendment to delete the Section 39 condition of re- zoning imposed by Council resolution dated September 18, 1978 with respect to 120 Carleton Street and substituting the following condition: that the use of the premises be restricted to a group care facility for not more than fifteen (15) persons, for the reason that the existing condition limits the use to not more than ten men and the facility will be used by both men and women and up to 15 persons, as requested by John Howard Residential Centre Inc. (b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 9. 7:00 p.m. - (a) Proposed Municipal Plan amendment to redesignate on Schedule 2-A an approximate 23-acre parcel of land at 170 Ashburn Road, from Low Density Residential, Open Space and Light Industrial to Heavy Industrial classification, to ensure that the quarry in operation and proposed rehabilitation area are both within an appropriate zone and make the conditions of the re-zoning more relevant to present method of operation, as requested by Crestwood Holdings and Realty Ltd. Page 2. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at May 4, 1990. 9. (b) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone the same parcel of land from "RS-2" One- and Two-Family Suburban Residential to "1- 2" Heavy Industrial classification. (c) Proposed amendment to agreement dated December 21, 1987 pursuant to Section 39 of the Community Planning Act so as to include the same parcel of land; to include conditions 2, 5, 7 and 8 relating to fill within the flood risk area; completion date for site plan requirements; access road construction; and water supply to the site; and to make any other changes or additions to the agreement as may be considered relevant to the situation. (d) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendments. 10. 7:00 p.m. -(a) Proposed Zoning By-Law amendment to re-zone a parcel of land at 21 Marlborough Avenue in the Morland Mobile Home Park, from "RS-2" One- and Two-Family Suburban Residential and "1-2" Heavy Industrial to "MH" Mobile Home Park classification, to permit the expansion of the Morland Mobile Home Park, as requested by Clearview Mobile Homes Ltd. (b) Proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment to amend Section 130(1)(b) by adding "subject to the Mobile Home Parks By-Law, a mobile home park;" . 11. 7:00 p.m. -(a) Proposed amendment of the Section 39 re-zoning of December 22, 1986 of 1120 Loch Lomond Road to permit construction of a separate warehouse building, to provide for additional storage of building materials associated with the existing hardware store business, as requested by Ron Scott Satin Holdings Ltd. (b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 12. 7:00 p.m. -(a) Proposed amendment to the Section 39 conditions of re-zoning of October 6, 1975 of 23 St. Anne Street and amended on August 16, 1976, to increase the number of units permitted from seven to eight, to permit the continuing use of the existing building for eight apartments, as requested by Demetre J. Bountalas. (b) Letter from Planning Advisory Committee re proposed amendment. 13. Re Saint John Environmental Consultation Committee final report, "A View Of The City" (Mayor Wayne). Re strategies for peace in Northern Ireland (Mayor Wayne). Re letter from Barry and Darlene Boyle concerning Blair Construction property, Northumberland Avenue. Re. B.L.E.U. Non-Profit Housing Inc.'s request for H.I.D. grant extension. Re City Market management and City Market By-Law. 14. 15. *15A. *15B. CITY MANAGER 16. Payment of invoice. 17. Report re tender for safety supplies. 18. Report re tender for emergency power system, uninterrupted power supply. 19. Report re tender for tires and tubes. 20. Report re tender for contract 90-2, dredging Lancaster wastewater treatment plant. 21. Re reduction of security, Graham Crescent Estates Subdivision, Phase 1. 22. Re Reserve Road, Fallsview Avenue. COMMON CLERK 23. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law amendment re 915 Red Head Road, as requested by Peter J. Scholten (public hearing January 29 - 1st & 2nd readings given). COMMITTEES 24. Committee of the Whole report (April 30) - (1) re Grants Advisory Board; (2) re grant request of V.O.N.; (3) re request of The New Brunswick Association of Nursing Homes Inc. for grant; (4) re Saint John Jaycees' request for deferral of Pavilion fee; (5) re sale of land at Market Place; (6) re lease of land at 271 Main Street; (7) re acquisition of property on Westmorland Road/McAllister Drive; (8) re sale of land at 321 Princess Street; (9) re George Street site; (10) re policy - safety footwear; (11) re vehicle policy; (12) re request of West Side Preservation and Development Association for grant. 25. Planning Advisory Committee - Marilyn MacDonald Subdivision, 282 Churchland Road. 26. Planning Advisory Committee - Cedar Point Estates Subdivision, Phase 3. Page 3. COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at May 4, 1990. GENERAL 27. Letter from Lois Jones re 189 Main Street property. 28. Letter from Multicultural Association of Saint John re City street naming. 29. Application of McAllister Place Limited for amendment to Section 39 re-zoning of 515-519 Westmorland Road. 30. Letter and petition from residents of Highmeadow Drive re garbage collection service. 31. Request of Village of Westfield to use Saint John landfill site. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE - 3:00 p.m. 32. Re Saint John Economic Development Strategy (City Manager - tabled April 30). 33. Re Hong Kong market (City Manager - tabled April 30). 34. Re request of International Literacy Year (1990) Committee for grant. 35. Tourist Information Centres Report (City Manager). 36. Re B.L.E.U. Non-Profit Housing Inc.'s request for H.I.D. grant extension (City Manager). 37. Re 127 St. James Street (City Manager). 38. Re easement in Sandy Point Road area for NB Tel (City Manager). 39. Re lease of space on 14th floor, City Hall (City Manager). 40. Re financial analyst position (City Manager). 41. Re engagement of consultants re water supply (City Manager). 42. Re collective bargaining, holiday-relief firefighters (City Manager). 43. Re arbitration board nominee, Local No. 18 grievance 90-4 (City Manager). 44. Re City Market management and City Market By-Law (City Manager). 45. 4:00 p.m. - Presentation by Economic Development Advisory Board of economic development report. 46. 4:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Harbour Bridge Authority re amendments to agreement. 47. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by Local No. 18, C.U.P.E., of grievance 90-15. LEGAL SESSION 48. Re contract 89-12, Rothesay Avenue gas bar (City Solicitor).