COMMON COUNCIL - as at April 20, 1990.
1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., April 23 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (April 9).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. Re special meetings with Town of Caraquet (Councillor Coughlan).
5. Re payment of invoice.
6. Re payment of invoice.
7. Re progress payment.
8. Re surety bond for rehabilitation of gravel pit at 2614 Golden Grove Road.
9. Re potash spill- April 9, 1990.
10. Re Fundy Region Solid Waste Committee Up-date.
11. Re former General Hospital.
12. Re appointment of Acting Director of Parks.
13. Re purchase of pumps, Spruce Lake.
14. Re Housing Through Infill Development Program.
15. Re lease of Tourist Information Centre, Saint John West.
16. Re increase in G.R.I.P. grant - Mahogany Heights Development Inc.
17. Re calculation of G.R.I.P. Grants.
18. Re 1990 Capital Program.
19. Re former Silver Falls Park Sewage Lagoon Site - Notice of Termination.
20. Re Cambridge Drive.
21. Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law amendment re property on Heatherway and
Eagle Boulevard, as requested by Scott Bros. Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given April
22. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Mahogany Heights Developments Inc. for
re-zoning of property north of Ridge Rowand east of Westgate Drive (public hearing
held March 26 - tabled, no readings given).
23. Planning Advisory Committee re application of Willard Trites for Municipal Plan
amendment and re-zoning of 327 Charlotte Street (public hearing held April 9 -
tabled, no readings given).(see also Item 139)
24. Planning Advisory Committee re subdivision plan, Turnbull Place.
25. Environment Committee re shipment of bulk cargos through Port.
26. Environment Committee re Chesley Drive - green space.
27. Environment Committee re Environment Week, June 3-9, 1990.
28. Response from Minister of the Environment to Council resolution re storage and
reloading of coke petroleum.
29. Response from Provincial-Municipal Council Inc. to resolution re testing of parking
meters by enforcing officer.
30. Letter from New Brunswi.ck wildlife Federation re Saint John Fish and Game
Association's premises at Lily Lake Pavilion.
31. Request of Jeffrey Gianakos for permit for temporary placement of mobile home on
Range Road.
32. Application of Grace Baptist Church for re-zoning of 1181 Latimer Lake Road.
33. Application of Irving Oil Limited for Zoning By-Law amendment regarding 322 Union
34. Letter from solicitor for Diamond Taxi (1982) Ltd. re Taxi By-Law amendment
concerning licensing for taxi cabs.
35. Letters from (a) Avis Rent A Car and (b) Thirty-Five Charlotte Ltd. re City Market
36. Letter from Saint John Charter Rights & Civil Liberties Association re meetings of
Saint John Board of Police Commissioners.
37. Request of The Saint John District Labour Council to meet with Council re Police
Tactical Squad.
38. Letter from Mrs. Joan Parfitt re housing.
39. (a) Letter from Anne Byrne re property 327 Charlotte Street.
(b) Letter from Willard Trites re above property.
40. Notices from Liquor Licensing Board re hearings of applications of
(a) Roy J. Callahan for lounge license; and (b) 047191 N.B. Ltd. for
dining room, lounge and entertainment licenses.