1990-03-19_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 16, 1990. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m., March 19 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (March 12). 3. Mayor's remarks. 3A. Re schedule of Council meetings (Mayor Wayne). CITY MANAGER 4. Report re tender for canteen concessions. 5. Report re tender for traffic paint. 6. Re increase in H.I.D. grants for 174 Carmarthen and 219 Princess Streets. 7. Re Metropolitan Toronto's request for support re Italian Canadians. 8. Re petition for snowplowing of local common-right-of-way off Rothesay Road, opposite Brookvi1le United Church. 9. Re increase in G.R.I.P. funding for Glenwood Park Subdivision. COMMON CLERK 10. Application of Dr. P. W. Chase Professional Corporation for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 881 Sand Cove Road (public presentation made February 12). 11. Application of John Walker Insurance Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re- zoning of 167 Bayside Drive (public presentation made February 12). 12. Application of Joseph & Cathy Gould for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 147-149 Bayside Drive (public presentation made February 12). 13. Third reading of proposed Zoning by-Law amendment, 1260 Manawagonish Road, as requested by Manford M. Thompson Construction Company Limited (1st & 2nd readings given March 12). COMMITTEES 14. Committee of the Whole report (March 12) - (1) re feasibility of personnel audit; (2) re nominee to boards of arbitration of Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., grievances; (3) policy re labour-management communication; (4) re appointment to Saint John Central Business Development Corporation; (5) re name and style of business, City Market; (6) re public relations position. 15. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re retirement of Ronald Humphrey. GENERAL 16. Application of Clearview Mobile Homes Ltd. for re-zoning of 21 Marlborough Avenue. 17. Application of Ron Scott Satin Holdings Ltd. for amendment to Section 39 re-zoning of 1120 Loch Lomond Road. 18. Application of Demetre J. Bountalas for amendment to Section 39 re-zoning of 23 St. Anne Street. 19. Request of Orange Street Preservation Steering Committee for program of street and sidewalk improvements in 1990 capital budget. *20. Letter from G. Audrey McCartney re drainage in area of 1221 Red Head Road. (withdrawn) 21. Request of Fundy Division Girl Guides for waiver of Lily Lake Pavilion rental fee. 22. Letter from President of Energy and Chemical Workers Union, Local 691, re Saint John City Police Tactical Squad. 23. Request of The Saint John District Labour Council to meet with Council re establishment of new unit within Saint John Police Department. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 24. 6:30 p.m. - Meeting with Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re Tactical Unit. 25. 7:00 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., of grievances 89-1295-3-1-44 and 89-1295-3-1-45. 26. Saint John Board of Police Commissioners re 1990 establishment, Saint John Police Force. 27. Re tactical unit (City Solicitor). 28. Re current collective agreement with Local No. 61, C.U.P.E. (City Solicitor). 29. Re Rockland Road (City Manager). 30. Re lease of 217 Main Street (City Manager). 31. Re lease of space at 47 Princess Street (City Manager). 32. Re rentals in Old Provincial building (City Manager). 33. Re rental of additional space, City Hall (City Manager). 34. Re request for support of City of Windsor's brief (City Manager). 35. Re Fish and Game Association's lease of space at Lily Lake Pavilion (City Manager). 36. Re proposed letter of agreement with Local Union No. 771 (City Manager). 37. Re establishment, 1985-1990 (City Manager). 38. Re February 26 request on behalf of Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., to address Council re Pension Plan. 39. Teach-in re Log Cabin Estates (City Manager). 40. Re request for support of Kiwanis Cardiac Classic (City Manager). 41. Activity report Economic Development Department, October 1, 1989-February 28, 1990 (City Manager).