1990-03-05_Agenda AGE N D A COMMON COUNCIL - as at March 2, 1990. 1. Meeting called to order, 4:00 p.m.. March 5 - prayer. 2. Approval of minutes (February 26). 3. Mayor's remarks. 4. Re Annual Minto Coal Mining Festival (Mayor Wayne). 5. Re multi-use academic building for UNBSJ (Mayor Wayne). 6. Re request for upgrading of and prohibition of parking on Gooderich Street (Mayor Wayne). 7. Re resignation of E. Reevey from Port Development Commission (Mayor Wayne). 8. Re road salt (Mayor Wayne). *8A. Re sale of freehold interest, Blue Rock property (City Manager). *8B. Letter from Saint John Board of Trade re financial position and ad- ministration of the City for 1989. CITY MANAGER 9. Progress payment. 10. Banking resolutions. 11. Re 1990 fees and charges for Rockwood Park. 12. Re proposed expansion, Lancaster wastewater treatment plant. 13. Re parking on Sussex and Cambridge Drives. 14. Re request for easement, 122 St. James Street West. 15. Re appointments to Saint John Salvage Corps and Fire Police. 16. Report re tender for sweeper brooms. 17. Re proposed 1990 establishment. 18. Re New Brunswick's Professional Recreation Leadership Assistance Program. 19. Re parking on Wright Street. 20. Re request of L.S.O. Enterprises Limited to use portion of South Market Street for outside patio. COMMON CLERK 21. Re application of Willard Trites for Municipal Plan amendment and re-zoning of 327 Charlotte Street (public presentation made January 29). 22. Re application of Blair Construction Ltd. for Municipal Plan amendment and re- zoning of 152-156 Westmorland Road (public presentation made January 29). COMMITTEES 23. Committee of the Whole report (February 26) - (1) re McAllister Drive and Lakewood Avenue West property; (2) re Environment Committee's terms of reference. GENERAL 24. Request of Debbie Harrity and Fred Little for grant to offset Lily Lake Pavilion rental fee. 25. Request of Kiwanis Club of Saint John Limited for grant to offset Rockwood Park Golf Course green fee. 26. Letter from Donald and Phyllis Bernard re use of property on Bay Street, corner of Gault Road. 27. Letter from West Side Preservation and Development Association re Ready Street location for fire station. 28. Invoice from Cities of New Brunswick Association for 1990 contributions. 29. Request of I.L.A. District Waterfront Council to meet re proposed cold storage terminal development at Bayside. 30. Letter from Parkway Mercury Sales re Westmorland Road development. 31. Request of Saint John Canada Day Committee for sponsorship of fireworks display. COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE 32. 6:30 p.m. - Presentation by Maritime Sod Ltd. re sludge disposal. 33. Grants Advisory Board report. 34. Re Local No. 61, C.U.P.E., grievance 90-1295-3-U-07 (City Solicitor). 35. Re lease with Saint John Fish & Game Association (City Manager). 36. Re sale of freehold interest, Blue Rock property (City Manager). 37. Re Group Health and Dental Programs, September 1, 1988-August 31, 1989 (City Manager - tabled February 26). 38. Re Port Development Commission - Review (City Manager - tabled February 26). 39. Re Port Development Commission Annual Report (City Manager - tabled February 26). 40. Re Health and Dental Plans (City Manager). 41. Re "Zero Time Lost" Program, injury on duty (City Manager). LEGAL SESSION 42. Decision of Court of Appeal re Loch Lomond watershed (City Solicitor).