COMMON COUNCIL - as at February 23, 1990.
1. Meeting called to order, 7:00 p.m., February 26 - prayer.
2. Approval of minutes (February 19).
3. Mayor's remarks.
4. 7:00 ~.m. - Public presentation of proposed Municipal Plan amendment
to redesignate on Schedule 2-A a parcel of land containing
approximately 23 acres at 170 Ashburn Road, adjoining land
previously zoned to permit a quarry operation and located
north of Ashburn Road and east of the Saint John Throughway,
from Low Density Residential, Open Space and Light Industrial
to Heavy Industrial classification, to allow re-zoning of the
parcel to "1_2" Heavy Industrial classification, so that the
existing quarry and the proposed rehabilitation area are both
within an appropriate zone, as requested by Crestwood Holdings
and Realty Ltd.
5. 7:00 p.m. - Proposed Street Closing By-Law amendment re closing a portion of
Charlotte Street.
6. 7:15 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Central Business Development Corporation
of Revitalization Action Plan for Uptown Saint John.
7. Re rolling stock sidelined by January 15 VIA Rail cuts (Mayor Wayne).
7A. Re water and sewerage account payment centres (Mayor Wayne).
8. Re police patrols on Champlain Drive (Councillor Fitzpatrick)
9. Re liaison with West Side Preservation and Development Association concerning fire
protection service for West Side (Councillor M. Vincent).
*9A. Re appointment to Civic Centre Committee (City Manager).
*9B. Re Provincial Municipal Services Representative (City Manager).
10. (a) Finance Committee re 1989 Financial Statements.
(b) Re Operating Highlights General Fund.
(c) Re Operating Highlights Water & Sewerage Utility.
(d) Re Sinking, Reserve and Trust Funds.
11. Re request for easement at 194-198 Adelaide Street.
12. Re 1849 Manawagonish Road
13. Re letter from Thomas Rodgers re Morland Trailer Park.
14. Re December 11 Council resolution concerning safe driving award program
(Chief of Police).
15. (a) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-Law text amendment re Section
130(1)(b) re mobile home park, as requested by Clearview Mobile
Home Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings given January 15).
(b) Third reading of proposed Mobile Homes Park By-law amendment re 21
Marlborough Ave., as requested by Clearview Mobile Home Ltd. (1st & 2nd readings
given January 15).
(c) Third reading of proposed Zoning By-law amendment re 21 Marlborough
Avenue, as requested by Clearview Mobile Home Ltd.(lst & 2nd reading
given January 15)
*16. Committee of the Whole (February 19) - (1) re Marco Polo Project; and *(2) re
arbitrator selection and process. (withdrawn)
17. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan - 1989 Annual Report.
18. Board of Trustees of City of Saint John Pension Plan re retirement of Ruth Leavitt.
19. Letter from The Secretary of State of Canada re Five-Star Community Awards Program.
20. Letter from The North End Improvement Corp. Inc. re No. 5 Fire Station.
21. Request of Saint John Central Business Development Corporation for Council's support
and commitment re location of any major complex in central business district.
22. Notices from Liquor Licensing Board re hearings of applications of (a) Charybdis
Inc. for lounge and entertainment license, 88 Prince William Street; (b) 115 Prince
Wm. St. Ltd. for beverage room license, 115 Prince William Street; and (c) Murray's
Place Ltd. for beverage room and entertainment license, Westmorland Place.
23. Request of L.S.O. Enterprises Limited to use portion of South Market Street for
outside patio.
24. (a) letter from Clearview Mobile Homes Ltd. re by-law amendments.
(b) re location of recreation area in proposed expansion of Morland
Home Park.
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COMMON COUNCIL AGENDA - as at February 23, 1990.
24A. 5:00 p.m. - Presentation by Millidgeville residents.
25. 5:30 p.m. - Presentation by Saint John Policemen's Protective Association, Local No.
61, C.U.P.E., of grievances (a) 90-1295-3-U-04; and (b) 90-1295-3-U-07.
26. Re Freedom of the City (Mayor Wayne).
27. Re letter forwarded to Hon. G. Merrithew (Mayor Wayne).
28. Re newspaper article (Councillor Coughlan).
29. Request of Teed, Teed & McPhee, solicitors for Saint John Policemen's Protective
Association, C.U.P.E. Local 61, for appearance before Council re City Pension Act.
30. Re site evaluation No.7 Fire Station (City Manager).
31. Re sale of land McAllister Drive to Midland Transport (City Manager).
32. Re Provincial Municipal Services Representative in Saint John (City
33. Re Establishment Summary - 1985-1990 (City Manager).
34. Re Environment Committee/terms of reference (City Manager).
35. Re Group Health and Dental Programs (City Manager).
36. Re Port Development Commission - Review ( City Manager).
37. Re Port Development Commission annual report (City Manager).
38. Re status of watershed designation process (verbal - City Manager).